Post by bbfanatik on Feb 19, 2008 21:00:19 GMT -5
12:25AM BBT: Parker outside now with Sharon telling her that Allison is working the nuts out of Joshua. He says she is sucking up so much and won't leave him alone. Sharon says she knows, that's why Joshua is always asking her not to leave him alone. Parker says Allison is in his bed right now working him over. He tells her she better get in there to see what's going on. Sharon agrees and goes in to check.
Parker now telling Jen about the conversation he just had with Sharon and how he pointed out to her that they never hung out with Joshua before and now they're all over him. (We assume by “they” he means Allison and Sheila).
12:35AM BBT: Alex sitting with Parker and Sharon laying on each side of him. He's pretending to host a talk show and asking them how their day went.
Parker and Jen discussed strategy. Jen tells him people cannot wait for him to leave because he is so negative. Also says she is sick of the Sheila/Allison thing. Ryan says if he will put her in her place if she talks nuts about Jen again. Jen wants to let her family to know she is not trying to make them look bad.
Allison and Josh are heading to bed to talk - Parker is outside now and Jen is trying to listen to what Allison and Josh are saying. Parker tells Sharon and Alex that Sheila and Allison are two walking enemas. Says they are kissing his ass and announces that Allison is up in bed now trying to work on Josh. He is trying to work Sharon up and she isn't falling for it at all
Allison tells Matt she is willing to make out with him for a vote. Matt says he expects more than that
Everyone is in his or her beds talking - apparently they got no alcohol tonight so things are not getting out of control. It really was a quiet night in the house. There was no drama, but there was plenty of dirty talk.
2:30AM BBT: Natalie crawled into bed with Chelsia and James and they’re all "playing" with her boobs. Natalie is telling them how to do "tricks" with boobs. They also discuss lap dances and Natalie says she won’t do a lap dance unless she is attracted to the guy.
Matt is laying next to Adam and they say they are "getting each other off" then joke they are not really. Natalie is telling them how big boobs allow you to “titty f**k” and give a “blowjob” at the same time. Chelsea thinks they should all masturbate at the same time. Adam calls it a circle jerk.
Everyone is asleep now and we keep getting FotH. A minute ago Adam walked through and as he went by said "Let's have an orgy".
4:05AM BBT: Adam smoking outside in the BY. Cameras continue to follow Adam around the house and then he goes back to bed.
8:50AM BBT: They're all sleeping.
9:05AM BBT: FotH.
9:45AM BBT: They're all up and around doing ADLs and chit chatting.
There has been a lot of general chitchat, primping and eating in the house this morning. Don’t forget the FotH we keep seeing for no apparent reason.
10:40AM BBT: Parker and Josh have discussion. Parker tries to tell Josh that he knows Sharon doesn’t trust him because he and Jen voted her and Jacob out so she has no reason to trust him now. Josh says, “You f**ked Sharon over once and I wouldn't think you'd want to f**k her over again.” He also tells Josh that he is no longer in an alliance with Alex and Amanda and that he is a genuine person and he promises never to do what he did to Sharon and Jacob to Sharon and Josh. Josh tells him he’ll take it into consideration.
11:00AM BBT: Parker and Amanda are in the HoH room. He is officially off DR strike and Amanda hugs him. He tells her that the vote for him to stay is in Josh's hands and that he thinks he has Sharon but he doesn’t know if talking to Josh has changed Josh’s mind to keep him. He also says that he really wants to get James out of the house if he stays. As they both agree he talks too much crap in the house. Alex has been in and out of the HoH room. He lost his HoH key. Matt joins them in the HoH room and they discuss the votes and what Josh will do. Matt’s goes to take a shower in HoH. Apparently he hasn’t taken a shower downstairs since Amanda and Alex became HoH.
11:25AM BBT: Ryan and James are in the BY smoking and talking about politics.
11:30AM BBT: Natalie and Sharon are in the bedroom talking, they have the whisper down to a science so you can barely hear! Allison has joined them and they explain to her that people are saying she has her speech all ready and she has been going around the house all thingyy. Allison says, "I never said that!"
Meanwhile… Up in the HoH room with Matt, Parker and Amanda. They’re blaming Jen for the reason that Parker could be evicted. They know that Sharon isn’t holding a grudge against Parker for her earlier eviction and that if he gets evicted it will be all because of Jen’s actions. Parker thinks, “James is the biggest attention sleeper in the house.” Matt and Amanda agree and Matt adds that he is, “So jealous, is so bad” of any attention Chelsia gives Matt.
Allison has now gone to Sheila about Jen saying she has a speech prepared for her exit. It seems the words have been twisted. Allison said, "I have a speech prepared for BEFORE she (Allison) is evicted" (meaning that before the others vote - and Jen (or someone) has taken it as "I have a speech prepared for Jen's exit" (to say to Jen as she walks out the door). Sheila says, “That’s because they're being nosy and not listening to what we actually say.”
12:15PM BBT: Parker goes to the sauna room to talk to Allison and Sheila. He starts off saying that he isn’t going to argue with the be he knows what he heard last night (Allison saying she has a speech for Jen on the way out the door) Allison and Sheila ask how he heard anything but again he says, “I know what I heard.” Allison explains to Parker what she said.
Parker tells Allison she shouldn’t talk crap abut Jen just because Jen is doing it to her as it’s wrong them both doing that. Allison insists that she isn’t talking about Jen.
Parker explains to them both that he wanted to come and clear the air, as he didn’t want to cause conflict in the house. Allison said she was talking bad about the situation they’re all in not talking bad about Jen.
1:00 PM BBT: Chitchat and primping. All four cameras on Allison and Chelsia are in the bathroom talking about their jeans. Allison says she gives people her clothes if they look better on them than her. They decide to switch their Jeans and they both this the other looks better in their jeans than they do.
Matt’s in there watching and he’s smooching all over Allison kissing her neck and then Chelsea's. They start using the Lint brush on each other.
1:04 PM BBT: Shelia walks into the bathroom and is crying; she gets a tissue and runs out into the sauna room. Allison and Chelsia follow. Sheila says, “I can’t talk about it.” Chelsia says, “It's not locked in, you can change it” She does say something happened in the DR, but she can’t talk about it. Josh comes in and Chelsia asks if it's about eviction, and Sheila says again that she's not allowed to talk about it, and she hates this. Allison comforts Sheila, telling her it's okay. Everyone except Allison leaves so they can talk about it. FotH
Feeds some back for a split second, Sheila said, "why do you think I'm crying" and then back to FotH.
Sheila takes Jen to one of the rooms and is explaining to Jen what went on in the DR. Adam came to Sheila and told her that they have to do the right thing and stick with their word and vote out Allison and Ryan. Jen is crying and Sheila says she can't looks Allison in the eyes.
1:25PM BBT: Allison comes into Sharon and Josh, once again complaining about Jen. She doesn't understand why Sheila is upset, if Sheila voted Jen out? But they think it's for show. She tells them that she is the best person to take to the end because she knows she won't win, and she can carry them to the end. Josh leaves, and the girls continue to talk about Jen, and how being in the house brings out your emotions.
Allison is sad because she "doesn't want to go." She continues to bash Jen and how she talks to Ryan. Conversation changes to Allison's past relationship with a guy she started dating when she was 17. She says it's like Sharon's relationship with Jacob. She says they're adorable. She then starts talking about Jen, again. She says she knows Sheila wouldn't have voted her out, and Sharon says she would be a moron if she did.
Allison says she's a really bad actress it's hard. She's going to act like she's going home. But then she says it's easy because she still feels that she could go home. Sharon explains that people start getting nervous. Sharon says the votes are locked in and it will be 3-1 because Matt and Natalie will give them the "sympathy vote".
Allison complains about Jen once again smirking at her. Sharon comforts her, and gets up to leave. Allison says she loves them and she's been with them since day one. Sharon says she knows and it will be fine.
1:35PM BBT: Matt comes in; Allison is saying that she is going home because Sheila didn't vote for her. Matt tells her he's not dumb, he knows she's not going home. [Seems like she's trying to get his vote.] He also says that they haven't voted yet, so perhaps they were just leaving goodbye messages. Says that Sheila said that so it will get around and Allison will be humble. Parker comes in and talks changes to Matt wishing he were on “Real World” instead. Matt them tells him that he's voting him out, and he's sorry. Allison says, "hahaha, good one" and he sticks his tongue out at her.
Parker leaves, back to Allison campaigning. Matt continues to tell him Sheila wouldn't vote her out, and rolls his eyes at her. Still doesn't give her his vote, only asks for a nap. She tells him Sheila told her she has to vote Ally out. He tells her that he has to vote her out, even though he doesn't want her to leave.
Conversation goes in circles, him telling her she won't go, and why can't he just vote for her? She's past subtext; she's flat out asking him for his vote. Basically saying she's going if he doesn't and he argues it.
Allison then asks if Sheila is smart enough to know Allison is all she has. He says he'll talk to Sheila for her, and they "never had this conversation.”
1:45PM BBT: She promises if he votes for her to stay, she'll do whatever he wants her to do and go against everything. She promises that if she stays and wins HoH, he won't go up. She also promises a kiss. She says she knows she wont win, and she'll carry him. Same deal she made with Sharon and Josh. She tells him to think about it. Back to the Sheila issue and her saying she's going home. She keeps asking him to take the deal, he tells her he has to talk to his partner. They start flirting and general comments about her leaving, and then she gets up for a second. Matt leaves.
Ryan sits down in his place, and him and Allison discuss the voting. She starts bashing Jen to Ryan, AGAIN.
Couldn't get this full conversation as there is lots of whispering but what we did catch is Allison thinks she's just locked in the fourth vote. And she said Jen is totally buying into it because Sheila was acting when she came out of the DR.
2:15PM BBT: Cameras switched from Ryan and Jen's random conversation, to Matt and Parker in the middle of a conversation. They didn't want the cameras on them; it looks like they're talking trash. Sounds like Matt's voting to keep Parker, still, and they discuss putting up Sheila/Adam and James/Chelsia if they get HoH. Matt keeps saying Parker has to stay. They discuss Alex and the 2-2 comments during Sunday night's fight. Say James is an attention sleeper. Little more James bashing. Parker says he can take his pink hair and get out.
2:25 PM BBT: Allison and Ryan are in the storage room talking game. Allison is saying that Shelia is crying because she had to do the good-bye message. She thinks that Shelia was just acting like she voted against Allison. Allison reassuring Ryan that Sheila's voting for them to stay, she's totally sure. She begins discussing her goodbyes messages, throwing in digs about Jen, and we get FotH.
Meanwhile… Amanda comes in and tells Matt and Parker that Sheila said she's voting out Allison. Matt says she's lying, and Allison and Sheila are doing that on purpose. Everyone's forgetting that she's an actress. Amanda leaves, and Parker and Matt discuss that Sheila is lying.
2:30 PM BBT: Back from feeds. Allison does not want Shelia to act like a livewire. She says Shelia is scared of Jen and Parker and that is the explanation of her actions. Allison is going to go talk to Parker or Adam, not sure which.
Allison leaves the SR and Jen comes in. Ryan asks about her DR session. She won’t talk about it. Jen goes and opens the fridge. Ryan tells her that she looks cute today. Feeds go to the kitchen where people are eating.
3:00PM BBT: It’s HoH camera time. They're like a bunch of kids at Christmas! All the girls got on the couch with Adam for a picture. Natalie put the top of his head between her breasts. Alex said they have an hour for pictures and the Blog. Amanda corrected him and said they had an hour for each.
3:35PM BBT: Adam Parker and James playing pool and there is a little chitchat. Not too much though. Matt joins them. They are discussing who is winning. They say James always gets the long shots. James is beating the other two.
3:45 PM BBT: The feeds switch to the red room Sharon is in there with Josh. Sharon has a swimsuit on (maybe hot tub?) and then leaves. Josh is sitting there on the couch alone.
Feeds switch to Jen in the Boat Room talking to herself about not wanting to go home. She says it isn’t her time. She says luck brought her to the game so now luck need to keep her there. The feeds go back to the pool table.
4:00PM BBT: Sheila is talking to Allison, Ryan and Josh about her past when she was on the Letterman show and how they were worried about her wardrobe because she had been a Penthouse Pet. Letterman interviewed her about the movie that she was in with Shelly Winters and played her daughter. He also asked about the celebrities that she was dating and the million-dollar pageant that she was in (1983). Andy Gibbs hosted it but she was only in the top 10 because it was rigged. They gave the pageant to a girl from Denmark who had been in porn and had posed before.
4:20PM BBT: Alex just got in trouble from BB for playing basketball with the hoop on the awning. He and Adam are now playing a game and Ryan is outside. Sharon and Josh are in the hot tub.
Feeds switched to Natalie and Amanda in the kitchen. Natalie is dressed up in a red sweater and jeans. Amanda asked Natalie if she should try and talk to Josh.
Josh came in and now Amanda and Josh are talking in the sauna room. Amanda said that he obviously tore her a “new not a very nice person.” She said that the best part was when he walked by her picture and flipped it off. BB told Josh to put on his microphone.
Amanda has forgiven him for what he said and did and tells him that even though everything happened that their deal of going to the final three is still good and their fight doesn't change it.
Josh explains what his problem is with her, he’s asked her straight about something she had said and then she ran and told Matt. Then she lied and swore on her dad then he was brooding and it built up. He said that she has played this game by talking nuts about a lot of people, like ragging Allison out...
Josh asked Amanda who she thinks is going home. Amanda said that she would prefer that Parker and Jen stay. Josh assures her that it's not going to be a tie and it will be 3-1, one way or another--no tie. Amanda is trying to talk Josh into keeping Jen and Parker. Josh says that Parker and Jen are weaker than Allison and Ryan
Parker now telling Jen about the conversation he just had with Sharon and how he pointed out to her that they never hung out with Joshua before and now they're all over him. (We assume by “they” he means Allison and Sheila).
12:35AM BBT: Alex sitting with Parker and Sharon laying on each side of him. He's pretending to host a talk show and asking them how their day went.
Parker and Jen discussed strategy. Jen tells him people cannot wait for him to leave because he is so negative. Also says she is sick of the Sheila/Allison thing. Ryan says if he will put her in her place if she talks nuts about Jen again. Jen wants to let her family to know she is not trying to make them look bad.
Allison and Josh are heading to bed to talk - Parker is outside now and Jen is trying to listen to what Allison and Josh are saying. Parker tells Sharon and Alex that Sheila and Allison are two walking enemas. Says they are kissing his ass and announces that Allison is up in bed now trying to work on Josh. He is trying to work Sharon up and she isn't falling for it at all
Allison tells Matt she is willing to make out with him for a vote. Matt says he expects more than that
Everyone is in his or her beds talking - apparently they got no alcohol tonight so things are not getting out of control. It really was a quiet night in the house. There was no drama, but there was plenty of dirty talk.
2:30AM BBT: Natalie crawled into bed with Chelsia and James and they’re all "playing" with her boobs. Natalie is telling them how to do "tricks" with boobs. They also discuss lap dances and Natalie says she won’t do a lap dance unless she is attracted to the guy.
Matt is laying next to Adam and they say they are "getting each other off" then joke they are not really. Natalie is telling them how big boobs allow you to “titty f**k” and give a “blowjob” at the same time. Chelsea thinks they should all masturbate at the same time. Adam calls it a circle jerk.
Everyone is asleep now and we keep getting FotH. A minute ago Adam walked through and as he went by said "Let's have an orgy".
4:05AM BBT: Adam smoking outside in the BY. Cameras continue to follow Adam around the house and then he goes back to bed.
8:50AM BBT: They're all sleeping.
9:05AM BBT: FotH.
9:45AM BBT: They're all up and around doing ADLs and chit chatting.
There has been a lot of general chitchat, primping and eating in the house this morning. Don’t forget the FotH we keep seeing for no apparent reason.
10:40AM BBT: Parker and Josh have discussion. Parker tries to tell Josh that he knows Sharon doesn’t trust him because he and Jen voted her and Jacob out so she has no reason to trust him now. Josh says, “You f**ked Sharon over once and I wouldn't think you'd want to f**k her over again.” He also tells Josh that he is no longer in an alliance with Alex and Amanda and that he is a genuine person and he promises never to do what he did to Sharon and Jacob to Sharon and Josh. Josh tells him he’ll take it into consideration.
11:00AM BBT: Parker and Amanda are in the HoH room. He is officially off DR strike and Amanda hugs him. He tells her that the vote for him to stay is in Josh's hands and that he thinks he has Sharon but he doesn’t know if talking to Josh has changed Josh’s mind to keep him. He also says that he really wants to get James out of the house if he stays. As they both agree he talks too much crap in the house. Alex has been in and out of the HoH room. He lost his HoH key. Matt joins them in the HoH room and they discuss the votes and what Josh will do. Matt’s goes to take a shower in HoH. Apparently he hasn’t taken a shower downstairs since Amanda and Alex became HoH.
11:25AM BBT: Ryan and James are in the BY smoking and talking about politics.
11:30AM BBT: Natalie and Sharon are in the bedroom talking, they have the whisper down to a science so you can barely hear! Allison has joined them and they explain to her that people are saying she has her speech all ready and she has been going around the house all thingyy. Allison says, "I never said that!"
Meanwhile… Up in the HoH room with Matt, Parker and Amanda. They’re blaming Jen for the reason that Parker could be evicted. They know that Sharon isn’t holding a grudge against Parker for her earlier eviction and that if he gets evicted it will be all because of Jen’s actions. Parker thinks, “James is the biggest attention sleeper in the house.” Matt and Amanda agree and Matt adds that he is, “So jealous, is so bad” of any attention Chelsia gives Matt.
Allison has now gone to Sheila about Jen saying she has a speech prepared for her exit. It seems the words have been twisted. Allison said, "I have a speech prepared for BEFORE she (Allison) is evicted" (meaning that before the others vote - and Jen (or someone) has taken it as "I have a speech prepared for Jen's exit" (to say to Jen as she walks out the door). Sheila says, “That’s because they're being nosy and not listening to what we actually say.”
12:15PM BBT: Parker goes to the sauna room to talk to Allison and Sheila. He starts off saying that he isn’t going to argue with the be he knows what he heard last night (Allison saying she has a speech for Jen on the way out the door) Allison and Sheila ask how he heard anything but again he says, “I know what I heard.” Allison explains to Parker what she said.
Parker tells Allison she shouldn’t talk crap abut Jen just because Jen is doing it to her as it’s wrong them both doing that. Allison insists that she isn’t talking about Jen.
Parker explains to them both that he wanted to come and clear the air, as he didn’t want to cause conflict in the house. Allison said she was talking bad about the situation they’re all in not talking bad about Jen.
1:00 PM BBT: Chitchat and primping. All four cameras on Allison and Chelsia are in the bathroom talking about their jeans. Allison says she gives people her clothes if they look better on them than her. They decide to switch their Jeans and they both this the other looks better in their jeans than they do.
Matt’s in there watching and he’s smooching all over Allison kissing her neck and then Chelsea's. They start using the Lint brush on each other.
1:04 PM BBT: Shelia walks into the bathroom and is crying; she gets a tissue and runs out into the sauna room. Allison and Chelsia follow. Sheila says, “I can’t talk about it.” Chelsia says, “It's not locked in, you can change it” She does say something happened in the DR, but she can’t talk about it. Josh comes in and Chelsia asks if it's about eviction, and Sheila says again that she's not allowed to talk about it, and she hates this. Allison comforts Sheila, telling her it's okay. Everyone except Allison leaves so they can talk about it. FotH
Feeds some back for a split second, Sheila said, "why do you think I'm crying" and then back to FotH.
Sheila takes Jen to one of the rooms and is explaining to Jen what went on in the DR. Adam came to Sheila and told her that they have to do the right thing and stick with their word and vote out Allison and Ryan. Jen is crying and Sheila says she can't looks Allison in the eyes.
1:25PM BBT: Allison comes into Sharon and Josh, once again complaining about Jen. She doesn't understand why Sheila is upset, if Sheila voted Jen out? But they think it's for show. She tells them that she is the best person to take to the end because she knows she won't win, and she can carry them to the end. Josh leaves, and the girls continue to talk about Jen, and how being in the house brings out your emotions.
Allison is sad because she "doesn't want to go." She continues to bash Jen and how she talks to Ryan. Conversation changes to Allison's past relationship with a guy she started dating when she was 17. She says it's like Sharon's relationship with Jacob. She says they're adorable. She then starts talking about Jen, again. She says she knows Sheila wouldn't have voted her out, and Sharon says she would be a moron if she did.
Allison says she's a really bad actress it's hard. She's going to act like she's going home. But then she says it's easy because she still feels that she could go home. Sharon explains that people start getting nervous. Sharon says the votes are locked in and it will be 3-1 because Matt and Natalie will give them the "sympathy vote".
Allison complains about Jen once again smirking at her. Sharon comforts her, and gets up to leave. Allison says she loves them and she's been with them since day one. Sharon says she knows and it will be fine.
1:35PM BBT: Matt comes in; Allison is saying that she is going home because Sheila didn't vote for her. Matt tells her he's not dumb, he knows she's not going home. [Seems like she's trying to get his vote.] He also says that they haven't voted yet, so perhaps they were just leaving goodbye messages. Says that Sheila said that so it will get around and Allison will be humble. Parker comes in and talks changes to Matt wishing he were on “Real World” instead. Matt them tells him that he's voting him out, and he's sorry. Allison says, "hahaha, good one" and he sticks his tongue out at her.
Parker leaves, back to Allison campaigning. Matt continues to tell him Sheila wouldn't vote her out, and rolls his eyes at her. Still doesn't give her his vote, only asks for a nap. She tells him Sheila told her she has to vote Ally out. He tells her that he has to vote her out, even though he doesn't want her to leave.
Conversation goes in circles, him telling her she won't go, and why can't he just vote for her? She's past subtext; she's flat out asking him for his vote. Basically saying she's going if he doesn't and he argues it.
Allison then asks if Sheila is smart enough to know Allison is all she has. He says he'll talk to Sheila for her, and they "never had this conversation.”
1:45PM BBT: She promises if he votes for her to stay, she'll do whatever he wants her to do and go against everything. She promises that if she stays and wins HoH, he won't go up. She also promises a kiss. She says she knows she wont win, and she'll carry him. Same deal she made with Sharon and Josh. She tells him to think about it. Back to the Sheila issue and her saying she's going home. She keeps asking him to take the deal, he tells her he has to talk to his partner. They start flirting and general comments about her leaving, and then she gets up for a second. Matt leaves.
Ryan sits down in his place, and him and Allison discuss the voting. She starts bashing Jen to Ryan, AGAIN.
Couldn't get this full conversation as there is lots of whispering but what we did catch is Allison thinks she's just locked in the fourth vote. And she said Jen is totally buying into it because Sheila was acting when she came out of the DR.
2:15PM BBT: Cameras switched from Ryan and Jen's random conversation, to Matt and Parker in the middle of a conversation. They didn't want the cameras on them; it looks like they're talking trash. Sounds like Matt's voting to keep Parker, still, and they discuss putting up Sheila/Adam and James/Chelsia if they get HoH. Matt keeps saying Parker has to stay. They discuss Alex and the 2-2 comments during Sunday night's fight. Say James is an attention sleeper. Little more James bashing. Parker says he can take his pink hair and get out.
2:25 PM BBT: Allison and Ryan are in the storage room talking game. Allison is saying that Shelia is crying because she had to do the good-bye message. She thinks that Shelia was just acting like she voted against Allison. Allison reassuring Ryan that Sheila's voting for them to stay, she's totally sure. She begins discussing her goodbyes messages, throwing in digs about Jen, and we get FotH.
Meanwhile… Amanda comes in and tells Matt and Parker that Sheila said she's voting out Allison. Matt says she's lying, and Allison and Sheila are doing that on purpose. Everyone's forgetting that she's an actress. Amanda leaves, and Parker and Matt discuss that Sheila is lying.
2:30 PM BBT: Back from feeds. Allison does not want Shelia to act like a livewire. She says Shelia is scared of Jen and Parker and that is the explanation of her actions. Allison is going to go talk to Parker or Adam, not sure which.
Allison leaves the SR and Jen comes in. Ryan asks about her DR session. She won’t talk about it. Jen goes and opens the fridge. Ryan tells her that she looks cute today. Feeds go to the kitchen where people are eating.
3:00PM BBT: It’s HoH camera time. They're like a bunch of kids at Christmas! All the girls got on the couch with Adam for a picture. Natalie put the top of his head between her breasts. Alex said they have an hour for pictures and the Blog. Amanda corrected him and said they had an hour for each.
3:35PM BBT: Adam Parker and James playing pool and there is a little chitchat. Not too much though. Matt joins them. They are discussing who is winning. They say James always gets the long shots. James is beating the other two.
3:45 PM BBT: The feeds switch to the red room Sharon is in there with Josh. Sharon has a swimsuit on (maybe hot tub?) and then leaves. Josh is sitting there on the couch alone.
Feeds switch to Jen in the Boat Room talking to herself about not wanting to go home. She says it isn’t her time. She says luck brought her to the game so now luck need to keep her there. The feeds go back to the pool table.
4:00PM BBT: Sheila is talking to Allison, Ryan and Josh about her past when she was on the Letterman show and how they were worried about her wardrobe because she had been a Penthouse Pet. Letterman interviewed her about the movie that she was in with Shelly Winters and played her daughter. He also asked about the celebrities that she was dating and the million-dollar pageant that she was in (1983). Andy Gibbs hosted it but she was only in the top 10 because it was rigged. They gave the pageant to a girl from Denmark who had been in porn and had posed before.
4:20PM BBT: Alex just got in trouble from BB for playing basketball with the hoop on the awning. He and Adam are now playing a game and Ryan is outside. Sharon and Josh are in the hot tub.
Feeds switched to Natalie and Amanda in the kitchen. Natalie is dressed up in a red sweater and jeans. Amanda asked Natalie if she should try and talk to Josh.
Josh came in and now Amanda and Josh are talking in the sauna room. Amanda said that he obviously tore her a “new not a very nice person.” She said that the best part was when he walked by her picture and flipped it off. BB told Josh to put on his microphone.
Amanda has forgiven him for what he said and did and tells him that even though everything happened that their deal of going to the final three is still good and their fight doesn't change it.
Josh explains what his problem is with her, he’s asked her straight about something she had said and then she ran and told Matt. Then she lied and swore on her dad then he was brooding and it built up. He said that she has played this game by talking nuts about a lot of people, like ragging Allison out...
Josh asked Amanda who she thinks is going home. Amanda said that she would prefer that Parker and Jen stay. Josh assures her that it's not going to be a tie and it will be 3-1, one way or another--no tie. Amanda is trying to talk Josh into keeping Jen and Parker. Josh says that Parker and Jen are weaker than Allison and Ryan