Post by bbfanatik on Feb 22, 2008 22:50:34 GMT -5
12:20AM - 12:30AM BBT: Natalie dons a red wig and does a strip tease for Alex, Amanda ,James, Adam and Chelsia in the sauna room. Natalie rubs her ass in Adam’s face and in every one else's face and crotch. Amanda ducks out of getting Natalie in her face. Chelsia tries to remove Natalie's bra and she lets her if Chelsia feels her breast! Natalie says its Amanda turn as she runs to door of Sauna. Amanda says Adam can have her turn as Adam is "SMILING!" Natalie says she thinks Adam has been to a strip clubs. Matt said "Amanda you’re so scared it’s as if u are a VIRGIN." Amanda blushes! Alex says, "What the, you’re a virgin?" everyone is surprised. Amanda runs out of sauna room and checks her face ion mirror and gets a pickle. Alex and Adam question if she really is a virgin. She dodges the question. Amanda heads away from everyone. Natalie tries to get in DR in her stripper outfit but they don’t let her in.
Matt, Alex and Adam talk outside strategy.
Back in the sauna Natalie, Chelsia, James and Amanda think of new looks for Natalie to strip tease for Sho2 tomorrow and that James was a stripper once.
12:45AM BBT: Matt, Alex and Adam say they’re working together.
Alex says he’s heading to bed. Amanda says she feels sick with the slop and pickle mixed in her stomach. She asks BB for Pepto Bismo. Alex asks, "Are u a virgin?" Amanda says, "Why are u so focused on this, if I am I am, if I’m not I’m not."
12:48AM BBT: James and Chelsia wrestle in sauna room and kiss.
12:50AM BBT: Adam somewhere says "Amanda's a virgin."
12:50AM BBT: Alex tells Amanda they have the votes to stay and says, "If u are a big hooch mama but a virgin then u are the biggest CT." Amanda asks, "What’s a CT?" Alex questionably says, "So are you a virgin?" Amanda says, "YES, maybe you will be" and she laughs. Alex says, "You pregnant dog" and they both laugh.
Meanwhile... James runs Chelsia in his arms upstairs.
12:52AM BBT: James showers with cold water in the HoH BR and then walks around naked.
Alex and Amanda say they will do anything to win PoV, "even drink pee." They agree it would be better if Amanda and Alex win PoV saying that Matt and Natalie could survive against others.
Alex: "So, are you really a virgin?"
Amanda: "Goodnight!"
Alex asks again.
Amanda: "Maybe."
Alex: "It all makes sense you are, you f**king are! I think it’s amazing, I give you much credit."
They curse at each other jokingly. "Bastard" "Fat ass" "very *friendly* person" "pregnant dog." Amanda ends it with "thingy." Alex: "Nice,"
Amanda tells Alex, "I think Shelia likes you” Alex says, "She likes girls."
Amanda: "PoV baby."
Alex: "Shut up go to bed baby."
Alex: "So are you a virgin? How do you walk around like that? Why didn’t you ever want to have sex?"
Amanda: Because, I like to commit."
Alex: "I’m jealous."
Alex pulls Amanda’s hair. They talk a little more. Amanda says, "Natalie really likes Matt."
1:05AM BBT: Alex is snoring.
In HoH room Chelsia and James are laughing. They talk about looks, who wants attention, if Amanda is really a virgin (they think she must of slept with a few dozen men), and tattoos and other random things. Then they make out for a long time! They go under the covers and you can hear them kiss. More random talking.
In HoH room James says to Chelsia, what if Amanda and Alex get off, how about we put up Ryan and Allison and make deal with Matty. Chelsia says maybe. James states, "We are the controllers."
1:20AM BBT: James and Chelsia are talking of getting rid of Ryan and Allison so the house will be happy with them. They would be getting rid of "Annoying Allison" and make deals with Alex and Matt. Chelsia ponders it saying it could go wrong.
1:25PM BBT: Noticing Amanda's asleep Alex takes the blanket off her and pulls it all on him.
1:30AM BBT: James and Chelsia are making out again. Then say goodnight to each other.
2:10 am BBT: Adam is up, drinks some water out of kitchen sink then uses the BR. He comes out of BR Scratching his package and butt and doesn't wash his hands then eats slop cookies? Still scratching his package and stops to look at GP's in their cage, then the memory wall, then back to bed. He wakes Shelia. They have small chit-chat then back to sleep.
Meanwhile... James and Chelsia are taking about pictures and Germany.
2:25AM BBT: James and Chelsia seem to be trying to sleep but still talking off and on.
2:30AM BBT: All HGs appear to be asleep.
2:55AM BBT: James tells Chelsia he’s thirsty and cant sleep, James heads downstairs to find something to drink but instead gets into Sauna.
3:00AM BBT: James seems stressed and he taps his foot in sauna and talks to himself about what to do in PoV. "Who do I want gone....Alex/Amanda, Matt/Natalie, or Ryan/Allison, this nuts sucks!" He gets out of sauna and yawns, heads to BR and cleans his ears. Looks outside and sees it raining, walks into LR. Then he watches the GP's. Heads back to sauna (he looks very stressed) and sits down. He’s thinking very hard.
3:15AM BBT: James back in sauna after using the bathroom, he passes gas and laughs.
3:25AM BBT: James is now outside HoH room and sneezes twice (seems like he’s getting a cold) he walks around upstairs, pacing back and forth. He seems very restless and is still up until 3:30am.
3:40AM BBT: All house guests are asleep.
6:45AM BBT: They're sleeping.
9:00AM BBT: Trivia. 9:15AM BBT: All Hg's seem to be awake and talking (no sign of Adam yet).
9:20AM BBT: Chelsia, Josh and James are talking in the HoH room about the PoV competition. James and Chelsia talking about if they win that they’re thinking about taking Amanda and Alex off the block to switch things up. They were asking Josh his opinion. He basically said that he’s down with it. Josh suggested that they make a deal with Alex and Amanda so they don’t put them on the block next week. Josh said that it would be crazy if they flipped it. Josh suggested leaving them both up that they could get the votes switched. James is saying that they might not do it but it would be crazy to do it. Josh thinks it would be funny to put Sheila up and watch her squirm.
James says that Natalie gave them strip show wearing an orange wig in the sauna room last night for Adam, Matt, Alex, James and Amanda. She didn’t take off everything but she had see-through underwear. James says that it was crazy and a good time and that Chelsia committed to doing in on Monday after the Margarita party.
9:35AM BBT: Josh, Allison, Alex and Sharon are in the kitchen. Alex has a flag bandana on and black/red nail polish under his eyes (like a football player). Alex is doing stretches (clearly getting ready for the PoV competition). Alex is telling Amanda and Matt that he is scared!! Allison is coughing a lot and she says that she’s almost catching pneumonia.
BB calls Amanda into the DR. Josh says, “And it begins…How do you feel? How do you feel about going into the competition? What’s on the line?”
9:50AM BBT: Sheila, Matt and Alex are in the kitchen talking about eating slop. Matt is talking about if BB says that they are soul mates then it must be true. Matt says Nat thinks that he’s her soul mate because she’s so gullible. Amanda is wearing pink booty shorts and joins them in the kitchen. Sheila is complaining about eating slop (what a shock).
Feeds switch to Sharon and Ryan. Sharon says that they should leave the nominations the same unless Alex and Amanda win the veto comp.
Feeds switch to BR, Josh is shaving, Allison is complaining about her jacked up face. Sheila is complaining (again) about only having two hours of sleep and being on slop. (Exciting stuff here).
10:00AM BBT: Sheila and Allison are discussing that if they win the veto competition that they will leave the votes the same and their speech will be that this is what the house wants like Matt and Natalie did.
Lots of whispering…Then Josh is calling out Shelia that he’d be nervous too if he thought that Sheila was playing both sides. Shelia is denying it. Sheila is telling Allison that when she talked to Matt that she told him that he needed to win PoV and that if Adam and I play then don’t be mad at us if we keep the nominations the way they are. Sheila didn’t want Matt to think that Sheila and Adam are against them. Allison says that if Amanda and Alex win Veto then they are “f**ked.”
10:10AM BBT: Josh tells Allison that Sheila found out that the HGs on slop do NOT get to partake in the margarita party.
Sheila is whining to Allison that she’s not spending as much time talking to her now and people in the house are asking her about it. Sheila thought that Allison is mad at her because Sheila thinks that Allison is saying negative things to her like “you really need to chill out on Adam,” etc.
Everyone is dressed for what looks like a physical competition. Sheila is exhausted, got 3 hours of sleep and has eaten nothing. Josh: “You're only on day 2...?”
10:22AMBBT: FotH
10:35AM BBT: Feeds are back. Amanda and Natalie are stretching. All are talking about if the competition will be physical or mental, as no one will tell them. All they would tell them is it is cold.
10:45AM BBT: Allison and Josh privately discuss how they want Amanda and Alex gone and solidify that either Amanda and Alex or Matt and Natalie WILL go home no matter what Allison says, “Mattie and Natalie will go after James and Chelsia with a vengeance if they stay. She tells him that, “I want the end Ryan and I and you and Sharon, obviously.” Josh tells her, “You've got to get away from Sheila. You’ve got to!” Allison says, “I know!” Allison then bets that Sheila and Adam will go up if either couple comes down and Allison will 'freak the f**k out' and the two go their separate ways.
Josh goes to the kitchen and joins Sheila and James. James says, “I am more than pumped.” Josh wonders away and happens on Chelsia.
Josh to Chelsia alone and he fills her in on Allison and Matt…
Josh: “I just got the scoop! Last week evidentially, Matt and Natalie made a deal with Ryan and Allison if they didn’t kick them out last week, they will let them stay. So Ryan is defiantly voting out Matt and Natalie to go, since they voted for Ryan and Allison to go.... and Sheila will follow suit. If it stays the same on the block, Matt and Natalie will go this week!
Chelsia: “Either way... one of them.”
Natalie goes into the bathroom and Chelsia says, “It’s cold and drizzly outside” and all HGs are layering for the competition.
Allison, James and Chelsia in the kitchen talking about power couple and how they were the first to go, because it makes you stand out. Allison says, “They got 10k so whatever.”
Alex, Amanda, Sharon and Matt wonder what the competition will be.
10:50AM BBT: Natalie and Ryan discuss the guinea pigs genitalia and their "va jay jays."
11:20AM BBT: Allison talking James and Chelsia alone. Allison pitching to get rid of Matt and Natalie this week and James says he doesn’t care which one goes, as long as it’s one of them. Allison explains it's more likely Matt and Natalie will win HoH than Amanda and Alex.
Josh, Chelsia and James are chatting in the HoH room. They start talking about Sharon; she is downstairs reading the bible in jeans. Josh suggested Sharon put on some athletic attire. He says, “I love Sharon. She’s a great partner, she's just in her own biblical world.” Sharon reads a chapter a day. Josh says, “She reads it a lot, if you watch her.” Chelsia said Sharon's never read the bible, she promised if she got on the show she'd read it.
A little later… Allison telling Sheila she wants Matt gone this week and she wishes she were playing veto. Sheila is glad she is not. Sheila says she would never flip flop on the votes, there's no way in hell she would change her vote if nominations stay the same. Sheila saying they don't have to worry. Sheila: “Whatever I say, Adam does” and she asks Allison to talk to Josh to reassure him. Sheila saying whoever wins veto today they will go after James and Chelsia. Allison: “If Ryan and I win HoH I CANNOT put up matt!”
Allison is off to share her latest revelation with Chelsia in the HoH room- in the room is Adam, josh, James, Chelsia and now Allison. She tells them, “I just had a thought... if Alex and Amanda don't go home they will have been on slop for a week and Matt and Natalie will have had food.” Josh tells her there is no need to whisper in the HoH room and says, “So you want Matt and Natalie to go this week?”
Allison: “Well yes, but whatever you guys want us to do.”
James: “Condor doesn’t have to go down this week. It can go down next week.”
James saying it is not up to him what everyone votes, it's up to the people who are voting
Everyone saying they will do what James and Chelsia want, James keeps saying it's up to them. Adam says, “I am voting for Matt and Natalie to stay... so you guys have to be the 2 votes.” Josh says, “No, no. That’s a swing jury vote. You can't do that.” Everyone agrees it has to be 3-0
Allison saying for James and Chelsia's safety Matt and Natalie will come out of the gates upset and after James and Chelsia so Matt and Natalie should go this week. Adam thinks they should just wait till after the PoV to figure this stuff out and leaves.
Josh thinks Adam is all about saving Matt. Josh says he is nervous now that Adam will give the sympathy vote.
Nat and Amanda are working on Sheila. Sheila telling them one of the two of them has to win and that Allison turned on her big time. Adam is the PoV host.
Chelsia, James and Josh talk about how Natalie is getting on Chelsia’s nerves. They are watching the spy screen
11:45AM BBT: Josh, James Chelsia just talking over votes, veto, scenarios, replacements, etc.
Anytime any of the 3 of them gets off topic. It always comes full circle back to replacements nominations, counting votes, etc. Josh debating if replacement should be Allison and Ryan or Sheila and Adam. Saying he will defiantly vote off Matt and Natalie, Alex and Amanda would vote to keep them, and which pair of Allison/Ryan or Sheila/Adam would be more likely to send Matt and Natalie home.
Matt and Alex meet in the storage room. They think that BB is mad they are both on the block because they’re entertaining and good looking. Alex saying if one gets off, their wildcard is Josh and Sharon and they will offer josh and Sharon a deal.
Matt and Alex think about how stupid they were to not take Parker off the block. Matt saying it's imperative one of them wins veto, “its essential” and the both agree that they hate James and Chelsia. They wonder if Will and Boogie were ever on the block together, and think about what other friends have been on the block together that stayed.
Allison comes in storage to get paper towels and she leaves. Matt says, “f**king pregnant dog. She probably does date Sheila. f**king thingy licker.”
12:00PM BBT: Everyone but Sheila, Amanda and Natalie are in the kitchen; the other three are in a bedroom chit chatting
Matt is talking about Boston and things he's done (boring) and Sheila is talking about something and how she is sick about it. Amanda is sick of everyone. Not much going on right now...
12:30PM ish… Sheila is telling us how Adam is a "big big eater" and now he's not eating anything except slop so he's grumpy, but Alex can handle the slop because he diets.
They start talking about birthdays and Sharon was 12 when she met Jacob. Not much going on in the house as they’re waiting around for PoV it seems.
Adam is going to find out if all HGs get to participate in Margarita fun, Allison recapping the Sheila fight, Adam wasn't allowed in the DR.
1:19PM BBT: It was FotH again not much going on still... all feeds are on Josh in the living room laying on the couch. It sounds like everyone is in the kitchen.
1:25PM BBT: Adam is called to the DR and everyone cheers. "Go Baller!" Sharon says they scared the guinea pigs. - BB Said PoV is in another hour to Adam when he was in there. He had to answer CBS mobile questions.
1:40PM BBT: Trivia.
3:05PM BBT: FotH.
3:25PM BBT: Josh and Sharon win the PoV.
3:30PM BBT: Josh, Sharon, Chelsia, and James are talking in HoH. They all want to leave the nominations the same. Chelsia mentioned that Natalie has been with both couples, and is very adamant about them voting out Matt and Natalie. They also think they could pull in Allison and Ryan because Allison is distancing herself from Sheila.
Ryan came in. They ask Ryan whom he wants to vote out, and he tells them whatever they want. Says he doesn't really prefer one or the other to leave, and hasn't really talked to Allison about it. He does say Matt and Natalie are better physically and Amanda and Alex mentally. They discuss the competition and the nominations. They discuss Adam and how he's playing all sides, trying to get in good with everyone. Ryan says he and Allison are okay with anything. Again, they are worried about Adam. James mentions Allison is been flirting a lot with Matt, Ryan insists she'd vote either way.
Josh and Ryan leave. Sharon continues to talk about the competition, her determination, and the win. She says she doesn't care about Amanda. She likes Natalie, but is now questioning her after what Chelsia told her. They talk about Matt saying he runs the show. Chelsia feels like her and Josh can attack Amanda and break her down. Added to the nomination stress and food deprivation, she thinks Amanda and Alex won't be able to win HoH. Sharon isn't so sure.
James says they can keep it the same, and it's up to Sharon. They decide they'll keep nominations the same and decide later after everything goes down this week.
3:40PM BBT: Josh and Sharon say they are not going to change the vote BUT they are not telling anyone because they want to make Sheila sweat it.
3:50PM BBT: Sharon says she told Natalie she would be safe and if she goes Sharon will look like a total liar. Chelsea says you can always say Josh got you back in the game and you have to go with him.
Adam comes in HoH now and wants to know what the plan is. James says we just don't know. Adam says we have to stick with "condor". James, Chelsea and Sharon all say they are going downstairs and get up so he will leave. He leaves and Sharon follows but James and Chelsea stay up.
3:55PM BBT: Amanda is trying to color her hair in bathroom. Sheila gives pointers but leaves her to do it herself.
4:00PM BBT: Sheila has officially turned on Allison. Sheila, Natalie and Amanda in BR. Sheila says that she’s going down in flames. Natalie wants to go off on Allison. Sheila feels betrayed because Natalie and Amanda told her that Allison told them that Allison didn’t trust her. Natalie is going to call her out. She’s going to call her a two-faced pregnant dog. Sheila is trying to talk Natalie out of it because she’s afraid that Josh will put Adam and Sheila up. Sheila is going to campaign to get Ryan and Allison out of the house. They are both feeling sorry for Parker.
Sheila continues and says that Allison talks bad about James and Chelsia. Sheila feels like she’s been played because she and Adam saved her ass. Sheila says that Josh and Sharon really like Matt and Natalie. Adam says to wait to tear Allison a new not a very nice person until after eviction. Adam makes Sheila promise not to blow up on anyone. Natalie says that after eviction that she will let Allison have it! Sheila agrees to do it with her. Sheila says that she has never said anything bad about anyone in the house and only Allison has. Sheila said that she’d use the personal stuff that Allison told her against her. Shelia said that Allison was going to take her to the end. Amanda joins the Allison bashing session. They're going to try and talk to Chelsia about Allison.
4:15PM BBT: Natalie says that Allison is manipulative and that she’s jealous of Natalie because of Matt. Sheila says that Allison thinks that she and Adam are the weakest players so they are going to keep them in the game. Natalie said that the “office” asked her if Allison was manipulative and if she was waiting for her fangs to come out. Natalie says that should have told her something.
Matt catches Amanda in the kitchen. She says she'll talk to someone and has faith. Matt wonders if they get evicted, if they'll go to sequester or go home, and would rather go to sequester.
Feeds switch to James and Chelsia in the HoH room with Ryan and Allison. Ryan thinks Matt and Adam might be in an alliance. Allison wants to go after Natalie and Matt, and trick them into thinking they're staying. Allison says they know how to mess with Natalie and that they're too strong and Matt and Natalie will go after James and Chelsia and have stated that, more so than Alex and Amanda. Chelsia seems to be agreeing with them. James is playing with HoH remote, and just listening.
Allison goes on to say that they should let Amanda and Alex think they're going home, and make the vote 2-1 so Matt and Natalie get evicted. James puts in his two cents, agreeing with them.
4:25PM BBT: They’re all still going, if it includes Allison it goes on and on! They’re basically rehashing the above conversation. The plan is to let Ales and Amanda think that they are going home and then at the last minute save them. They don’t want to let Adam and Sheila know because Adam would run and tell them. Allison is now bashing Sheila. Allison has been giving Sheila game advice and says that she’s not thinking straight.
4:30PM BBT: Sheila is going off about Allison to Adam. Adam looks like he wants to leave but Sheila just keeps going on and on about how Allison talks nuts about everyone except Joshua and Sharon. Sheila just said (and I quote) “She isn't going to take me to the end, my partner is, and you know why? Because my partner is a good guy.”
Sharon just ran upstairs, and out of breath says Sheila is downstairs talking nuts about Allison. Chelsia says that's it, Allison and Sharon are voting Natalie and Matt out this week. Sharon keeps saying nutss going down in the SR. Says Matt's about to come upstairs to go off on them. Allison says she tried to give Sheila a strategic move, but Sheila didn't listen.
Allison says she's acting different because she's off the block, and Sheila doesn't like that, and thinks Allison doesn't need her now since she saved her. Allison says she really didn't have people at first because Ryan was always with Jen.
Chelsia says that either Ryan/Allison or Josh/Sharon need to get HoH next week and put up Amanda/Alex and Sheila/Adam. Sharon warns to keep their mouths shuts, and Allison thinks this is all happening because she doesn't talk back. They all agree to keep quiet so the others don't find out their plan for next week and suspect what's going to happen.
Matt, Alex and Adam talk outside strategy.
Back in the sauna Natalie, Chelsia, James and Amanda think of new looks for Natalie to strip tease for Sho2 tomorrow and that James was a stripper once.
12:45AM BBT: Matt, Alex and Adam say they’re working together.
Alex says he’s heading to bed. Amanda says she feels sick with the slop and pickle mixed in her stomach. She asks BB for Pepto Bismo. Alex asks, "Are u a virgin?" Amanda says, "Why are u so focused on this, if I am I am, if I’m not I’m not."
12:48AM BBT: James and Chelsia wrestle in sauna room and kiss.
12:50AM BBT: Adam somewhere says "Amanda's a virgin."
12:50AM BBT: Alex tells Amanda they have the votes to stay and says, "If u are a big hooch mama but a virgin then u are the biggest CT." Amanda asks, "What’s a CT?" Alex questionably says, "So are you a virgin?" Amanda says, "YES, maybe you will be" and she laughs. Alex says, "You pregnant dog" and they both laugh.
Meanwhile... James runs Chelsia in his arms upstairs.
12:52AM BBT: James showers with cold water in the HoH BR and then walks around naked.
Alex and Amanda say they will do anything to win PoV, "even drink pee." They agree it would be better if Amanda and Alex win PoV saying that Matt and Natalie could survive against others.
Alex: "So, are you really a virgin?"
Amanda: "Goodnight!"
Alex asks again.
Amanda: "Maybe."
Alex: "It all makes sense you are, you f**king are! I think it’s amazing, I give you much credit."
They curse at each other jokingly. "Bastard" "Fat ass" "very *friendly* person" "pregnant dog." Amanda ends it with "thingy." Alex: "Nice,"
Amanda tells Alex, "I think Shelia likes you” Alex says, "She likes girls."
Amanda: "PoV baby."
Alex: "Shut up go to bed baby."
Alex: "So are you a virgin? How do you walk around like that? Why didn’t you ever want to have sex?"
Amanda: Because, I like to commit."
Alex: "I’m jealous."
Alex pulls Amanda’s hair. They talk a little more. Amanda says, "Natalie really likes Matt."
1:05AM BBT: Alex is snoring.
In HoH room Chelsia and James are laughing. They talk about looks, who wants attention, if Amanda is really a virgin (they think she must of slept with a few dozen men), and tattoos and other random things. Then they make out for a long time! They go under the covers and you can hear them kiss. More random talking.
In HoH room James says to Chelsia, what if Amanda and Alex get off, how about we put up Ryan and Allison and make deal with Matty. Chelsia says maybe. James states, "We are the controllers."
1:20AM BBT: James and Chelsia are talking of getting rid of Ryan and Allison so the house will be happy with them. They would be getting rid of "Annoying Allison" and make deals with Alex and Matt. Chelsia ponders it saying it could go wrong.
1:25PM BBT: Noticing Amanda's asleep Alex takes the blanket off her and pulls it all on him.
1:30AM BBT: James and Chelsia are making out again. Then say goodnight to each other.
2:10 am BBT: Adam is up, drinks some water out of kitchen sink then uses the BR. He comes out of BR Scratching his package and butt and doesn't wash his hands then eats slop cookies? Still scratching his package and stops to look at GP's in their cage, then the memory wall, then back to bed. He wakes Shelia. They have small chit-chat then back to sleep.
Meanwhile... James and Chelsia are taking about pictures and Germany.
2:25AM BBT: James and Chelsia seem to be trying to sleep but still talking off and on.
2:30AM BBT: All HGs appear to be asleep.
2:55AM BBT: James tells Chelsia he’s thirsty and cant sleep, James heads downstairs to find something to drink but instead gets into Sauna.
3:00AM BBT: James seems stressed and he taps his foot in sauna and talks to himself about what to do in PoV. "Who do I want gone....Alex/Amanda, Matt/Natalie, or Ryan/Allison, this nuts sucks!" He gets out of sauna and yawns, heads to BR and cleans his ears. Looks outside and sees it raining, walks into LR. Then he watches the GP's. Heads back to sauna (he looks very stressed) and sits down. He’s thinking very hard.
3:15AM BBT: James back in sauna after using the bathroom, he passes gas and laughs.
3:25AM BBT: James is now outside HoH room and sneezes twice (seems like he’s getting a cold) he walks around upstairs, pacing back and forth. He seems very restless and is still up until 3:30am.
3:40AM BBT: All house guests are asleep.
6:45AM BBT: They're sleeping.
9:00AM BBT: Trivia. 9:15AM BBT: All Hg's seem to be awake and talking (no sign of Adam yet).
9:20AM BBT: Chelsia, Josh and James are talking in the HoH room about the PoV competition. James and Chelsia talking about if they win that they’re thinking about taking Amanda and Alex off the block to switch things up. They were asking Josh his opinion. He basically said that he’s down with it. Josh suggested that they make a deal with Alex and Amanda so they don’t put them on the block next week. Josh said that it would be crazy if they flipped it. Josh suggested leaving them both up that they could get the votes switched. James is saying that they might not do it but it would be crazy to do it. Josh thinks it would be funny to put Sheila up and watch her squirm.
James says that Natalie gave them strip show wearing an orange wig in the sauna room last night for Adam, Matt, Alex, James and Amanda. She didn’t take off everything but she had see-through underwear. James says that it was crazy and a good time and that Chelsia committed to doing in on Monday after the Margarita party.
9:35AM BBT: Josh, Allison, Alex and Sharon are in the kitchen. Alex has a flag bandana on and black/red nail polish under his eyes (like a football player). Alex is doing stretches (clearly getting ready for the PoV competition). Alex is telling Amanda and Matt that he is scared!! Allison is coughing a lot and she says that she’s almost catching pneumonia.
BB calls Amanda into the DR. Josh says, “And it begins…How do you feel? How do you feel about going into the competition? What’s on the line?”
9:50AM BBT: Sheila, Matt and Alex are in the kitchen talking about eating slop. Matt is talking about if BB says that they are soul mates then it must be true. Matt says Nat thinks that he’s her soul mate because she’s so gullible. Amanda is wearing pink booty shorts and joins them in the kitchen. Sheila is complaining about eating slop (what a shock).
Feeds switch to Sharon and Ryan. Sharon says that they should leave the nominations the same unless Alex and Amanda win the veto comp.
Feeds switch to BR, Josh is shaving, Allison is complaining about her jacked up face. Sheila is complaining (again) about only having two hours of sleep and being on slop. (Exciting stuff here).
10:00AM BBT: Sheila and Allison are discussing that if they win the veto competition that they will leave the votes the same and their speech will be that this is what the house wants like Matt and Natalie did.
Lots of whispering…Then Josh is calling out Shelia that he’d be nervous too if he thought that Sheila was playing both sides. Shelia is denying it. Sheila is telling Allison that when she talked to Matt that she told him that he needed to win PoV and that if Adam and I play then don’t be mad at us if we keep the nominations the way they are. Sheila didn’t want Matt to think that Sheila and Adam are against them. Allison says that if Amanda and Alex win Veto then they are “f**ked.”
10:10AM BBT: Josh tells Allison that Sheila found out that the HGs on slop do NOT get to partake in the margarita party.
Sheila is whining to Allison that she’s not spending as much time talking to her now and people in the house are asking her about it. Sheila thought that Allison is mad at her because Sheila thinks that Allison is saying negative things to her like “you really need to chill out on Adam,” etc.
Everyone is dressed for what looks like a physical competition. Sheila is exhausted, got 3 hours of sleep and has eaten nothing. Josh: “You're only on day 2...?”
10:22AMBBT: FotH
10:35AM BBT: Feeds are back. Amanda and Natalie are stretching. All are talking about if the competition will be physical or mental, as no one will tell them. All they would tell them is it is cold.
10:45AM BBT: Allison and Josh privately discuss how they want Amanda and Alex gone and solidify that either Amanda and Alex or Matt and Natalie WILL go home no matter what Allison says, “Mattie and Natalie will go after James and Chelsia with a vengeance if they stay. She tells him that, “I want the end Ryan and I and you and Sharon, obviously.” Josh tells her, “You've got to get away from Sheila. You’ve got to!” Allison says, “I know!” Allison then bets that Sheila and Adam will go up if either couple comes down and Allison will 'freak the f**k out' and the two go their separate ways.
Josh goes to the kitchen and joins Sheila and James. James says, “I am more than pumped.” Josh wonders away and happens on Chelsia.
Josh to Chelsia alone and he fills her in on Allison and Matt…
Josh: “I just got the scoop! Last week evidentially, Matt and Natalie made a deal with Ryan and Allison if they didn’t kick them out last week, they will let them stay. So Ryan is defiantly voting out Matt and Natalie to go, since they voted for Ryan and Allison to go.... and Sheila will follow suit. If it stays the same on the block, Matt and Natalie will go this week!
Chelsia: “Either way... one of them.”
Natalie goes into the bathroom and Chelsia says, “It’s cold and drizzly outside” and all HGs are layering for the competition.
Allison, James and Chelsia in the kitchen talking about power couple and how they were the first to go, because it makes you stand out. Allison says, “They got 10k so whatever.”
Alex, Amanda, Sharon and Matt wonder what the competition will be.
10:50AM BBT: Natalie and Ryan discuss the guinea pigs genitalia and their "va jay jays."
11:20AM BBT: Allison talking James and Chelsia alone. Allison pitching to get rid of Matt and Natalie this week and James says he doesn’t care which one goes, as long as it’s one of them. Allison explains it's more likely Matt and Natalie will win HoH than Amanda and Alex.
Josh, Chelsia and James are chatting in the HoH room. They start talking about Sharon; she is downstairs reading the bible in jeans. Josh suggested Sharon put on some athletic attire. He says, “I love Sharon. She’s a great partner, she's just in her own biblical world.” Sharon reads a chapter a day. Josh says, “She reads it a lot, if you watch her.” Chelsia said Sharon's never read the bible, she promised if she got on the show she'd read it.
A little later… Allison telling Sheila she wants Matt gone this week and she wishes she were playing veto. Sheila is glad she is not. Sheila says she would never flip flop on the votes, there's no way in hell she would change her vote if nominations stay the same. Sheila saying they don't have to worry. Sheila: “Whatever I say, Adam does” and she asks Allison to talk to Josh to reassure him. Sheila saying whoever wins veto today they will go after James and Chelsia. Allison: “If Ryan and I win HoH I CANNOT put up matt!”
Allison is off to share her latest revelation with Chelsia in the HoH room- in the room is Adam, josh, James, Chelsia and now Allison. She tells them, “I just had a thought... if Alex and Amanda don't go home they will have been on slop for a week and Matt and Natalie will have had food.” Josh tells her there is no need to whisper in the HoH room and says, “So you want Matt and Natalie to go this week?”
Allison: “Well yes, but whatever you guys want us to do.”
James: “Condor doesn’t have to go down this week. It can go down next week.”
James saying it is not up to him what everyone votes, it's up to the people who are voting
Everyone saying they will do what James and Chelsia want, James keeps saying it's up to them. Adam says, “I am voting for Matt and Natalie to stay... so you guys have to be the 2 votes.” Josh says, “No, no. That’s a swing jury vote. You can't do that.” Everyone agrees it has to be 3-0
Allison saying for James and Chelsia's safety Matt and Natalie will come out of the gates upset and after James and Chelsia so Matt and Natalie should go this week. Adam thinks they should just wait till after the PoV to figure this stuff out and leaves.
Josh thinks Adam is all about saving Matt. Josh says he is nervous now that Adam will give the sympathy vote.
Nat and Amanda are working on Sheila. Sheila telling them one of the two of them has to win and that Allison turned on her big time. Adam is the PoV host.
Chelsia, James and Josh talk about how Natalie is getting on Chelsia’s nerves. They are watching the spy screen
11:45AM BBT: Josh, James Chelsia just talking over votes, veto, scenarios, replacements, etc.
Anytime any of the 3 of them gets off topic. It always comes full circle back to replacements nominations, counting votes, etc. Josh debating if replacement should be Allison and Ryan or Sheila and Adam. Saying he will defiantly vote off Matt and Natalie, Alex and Amanda would vote to keep them, and which pair of Allison/Ryan or Sheila/Adam would be more likely to send Matt and Natalie home.
Matt and Alex meet in the storage room. They think that BB is mad they are both on the block because they’re entertaining and good looking. Alex saying if one gets off, their wildcard is Josh and Sharon and they will offer josh and Sharon a deal.
Matt and Alex think about how stupid they were to not take Parker off the block. Matt saying it's imperative one of them wins veto, “its essential” and the both agree that they hate James and Chelsia. They wonder if Will and Boogie were ever on the block together, and think about what other friends have been on the block together that stayed.
Allison comes in storage to get paper towels and she leaves. Matt says, “f**king pregnant dog. She probably does date Sheila. f**king thingy licker.”
12:00PM BBT: Everyone but Sheila, Amanda and Natalie are in the kitchen; the other three are in a bedroom chit chatting
Matt is talking about Boston and things he's done (boring) and Sheila is talking about something and how she is sick about it. Amanda is sick of everyone. Not much going on right now...
12:30PM ish… Sheila is telling us how Adam is a "big big eater" and now he's not eating anything except slop so he's grumpy, but Alex can handle the slop because he diets.
They start talking about birthdays and Sharon was 12 when she met Jacob. Not much going on in the house as they’re waiting around for PoV it seems.
Adam is going to find out if all HGs get to participate in Margarita fun, Allison recapping the Sheila fight, Adam wasn't allowed in the DR.
1:19PM BBT: It was FotH again not much going on still... all feeds are on Josh in the living room laying on the couch. It sounds like everyone is in the kitchen.
1:25PM BBT: Adam is called to the DR and everyone cheers. "Go Baller!" Sharon says they scared the guinea pigs. - BB Said PoV is in another hour to Adam when he was in there. He had to answer CBS mobile questions.
1:40PM BBT: Trivia.
3:05PM BBT: FotH.
3:25PM BBT: Josh and Sharon win the PoV.
3:30PM BBT: Josh, Sharon, Chelsia, and James are talking in HoH. They all want to leave the nominations the same. Chelsia mentioned that Natalie has been with both couples, and is very adamant about them voting out Matt and Natalie. They also think they could pull in Allison and Ryan because Allison is distancing herself from Sheila.
Ryan came in. They ask Ryan whom he wants to vote out, and he tells them whatever they want. Says he doesn't really prefer one or the other to leave, and hasn't really talked to Allison about it. He does say Matt and Natalie are better physically and Amanda and Alex mentally. They discuss the competition and the nominations. They discuss Adam and how he's playing all sides, trying to get in good with everyone. Ryan says he and Allison are okay with anything. Again, they are worried about Adam. James mentions Allison is been flirting a lot with Matt, Ryan insists she'd vote either way.
Josh and Ryan leave. Sharon continues to talk about the competition, her determination, and the win. She says she doesn't care about Amanda. She likes Natalie, but is now questioning her after what Chelsia told her. They talk about Matt saying he runs the show. Chelsia feels like her and Josh can attack Amanda and break her down. Added to the nomination stress and food deprivation, she thinks Amanda and Alex won't be able to win HoH. Sharon isn't so sure.
James says they can keep it the same, and it's up to Sharon. They decide they'll keep nominations the same and decide later after everything goes down this week.
3:40PM BBT: Josh and Sharon say they are not going to change the vote BUT they are not telling anyone because they want to make Sheila sweat it.
3:50PM BBT: Sharon says she told Natalie she would be safe and if she goes Sharon will look like a total liar. Chelsea says you can always say Josh got you back in the game and you have to go with him.
Adam comes in HoH now and wants to know what the plan is. James says we just don't know. Adam says we have to stick with "condor". James, Chelsea and Sharon all say they are going downstairs and get up so he will leave. He leaves and Sharon follows but James and Chelsea stay up.
3:55PM BBT: Amanda is trying to color her hair in bathroom. Sheila gives pointers but leaves her to do it herself.
4:00PM BBT: Sheila has officially turned on Allison. Sheila, Natalie and Amanda in BR. Sheila says that she’s going down in flames. Natalie wants to go off on Allison. Sheila feels betrayed because Natalie and Amanda told her that Allison told them that Allison didn’t trust her. Natalie is going to call her out. She’s going to call her a two-faced pregnant dog. Sheila is trying to talk Natalie out of it because she’s afraid that Josh will put Adam and Sheila up. Sheila is going to campaign to get Ryan and Allison out of the house. They are both feeling sorry for Parker.
Sheila continues and says that Allison talks bad about James and Chelsia. Sheila feels like she’s been played because she and Adam saved her ass. Sheila says that Josh and Sharon really like Matt and Natalie. Adam says to wait to tear Allison a new not a very nice person until after eviction. Adam makes Sheila promise not to blow up on anyone. Natalie says that after eviction that she will let Allison have it! Sheila agrees to do it with her. Sheila says that she has never said anything bad about anyone in the house and only Allison has. Sheila said that she’d use the personal stuff that Allison told her against her. Shelia said that Allison was going to take her to the end. Amanda joins the Allison bashing session. They're going to try and talk to Chelsia about Allison.
4:15PM BBT: Natalie says that Allison is manipulative and that she’s jealous of Natalie because of Matt. Sheila says that Allison thinks that she and Adam are the weakest players so they are going to keep them in the game. Natalie said that the “office” asked her if Allison was manipulative and if she was waiting for her fangs to come out. Natalie says that should have told her something.
Matt catches Amanda in the kitchen. She says she'll talk to someone and has faith. Matt wonders if they get evicted, if they'll go to sequester or go home, and would rather go to sequester.
Feeds switch to James and Chelsia in the HoH room with Ryan and Allison. Ryan thinks Matt and Adam might be in an alliance. Allison wants to go after Natalie and Matt, and trick them into thinking they're staying. Allison says they know how to mess with Natalie and that they're too strong and Matt and Natalie will go after James and Chelsia and have stated that, more so than Alex and Amanda. Chelsia seems to be agreeing with them. James is playing with HoH remote, and just listening.
Allison goes on to say that they should let Amanda and Alex think they're going home, and make the vote 2-1 so Matt and Natalie get evicted. James puts in his two cents, agreeing with them.
4:25PM BBT: They’re all still going, if it includes Allison it goes on and on! They’re basically rehashing the above conversation. The plan is to let Ales and Amanda think that they are going home and then at the last minute save them. They don’t want to let Adam and Sheila know because Adam would run and tell them. Allison is now bashing Sheila. Allison has been giving Sheila game advice and says that she’s not thinking straight.
4:30PM BBT: Sheila is going off about Allison to Adam. Adam looks like he wants to leave but Sheila just keeps going on and on about how Allison talks nuts about everyone except Joshua and Sharon. Sheila just said (and I quote) “She isn't going to take me to the end, my partner is, and you know why? Because my partner is a good guy.”
Sharon just ran upstairs, and out of breath says Sheila is downstairs talking nuts about Allison. Chelsia says that's it, Allison and Sharon are voting Natalie and Matt out this week. Sharon keeps saying nutss going down in the SR. Says Matt's about to come upstairs to go off on them. Allison says she tried to give Sheila a strategic move, but Sheila didn't listen.
Allison says she's acting different because she's off the block, and Sheila doesn't like that, and thinks Allison doesn't need her now since she saved her. Allison says she really didn't have people at first because Ryan was always with Jen.
Chelsia says that either Ryan/Allison or Josh/Sharon need to get HoH next week and put up Amanda/Alex and Sheila/Adam. Sharon warns to keep their mouths shuts, and Allison thinks this is all happening because she doesn't talk back. They all agree to keep quiet so the others don't find out their plan for next week and suspect what's going to happen.