Post by bbfanatik on Feb 28, 2008 17:38:13 GMT -5
Midnight BBT: Allison goes outside by Josh, Ryan, Adam and others. Allison yells at Josh, he yells at her and She says, "BB said 5 feet he must stay you are in my space" (didn't she come outside?) FotH.
Allison yells more and says people will make fun of him outside these walls. She says she doesn’t lie (lol). Josh yells at her saying leave, thingy and other things. Allison heads inside. Ryan yells at Sharon telling her she said stuff. Adam backs Sharon up. Natalie then backs up Sharon. Josh says, "She’s just trying to make me get into her space and get tossed out and I won't do that." Sharon and Ryan yell more. Adam, Nat, and James are laughing at Ryan. Josh heads inside. Adam and Sharon say Ryan's lying.
Inside Allison goes to the DR. Matt and Shelia get told as Josh approaches and yells more at the two. Allison comes out of DR Josh says, "You’re f**king going home" so we get FotH at 12:04 am BBT till.... 12:12 am BBT.
Adam, Josh, Natalie and Sharon are in the HT and Allison is in bed. Adam and Josh say she is "Delusional, making her own stories up." Adam says, "She caused to many lies so far." Ryan heads to see Matt and tell his side of story then gets into bed with Allison. He seems unhappy with Allison and questions her about what is going on. Allison said Sharon is lying not her and she tells Ryan not to talk to her and leaves. Ryan asks, "So you’re lying to me?" Allison says, "Just leave Ryan, leave! I don’t give a nuts ok, bye good bye whatever Ryan. All the good stuff I said about you was false you are a piece of nuts." Ryan leaves and tells Matt and Shelia how Allison is totally done.
Outside Josh says, "Allison actually afraid of me. Let us all go and yell at her tomorrow and tell her what we feel together."
Ryan asks Matt and Shelia if he can sleep on their floor tonight. They tell him he can so Ryan gets pillow out of SR and lays down on pull out coach. Matt says, "Allie's gone nuts." Shelia laughs.
Josh, Sharon, Adam and Natalie realize all the lies Allison told since day one.
12:20AM BBT: Chelsia checks in on Allison. Allison says, "Ryan’s a f**king retard he’s looks like a gorilla he’s a retard!" Allison says Ryan's lying and Allison says she doesn’t care about game and will never go to DR. So we get FotH at 12:22am till..... 12:24 am BBT.
Allison tells Chelsia it’s not Josh it’s that nobody in this house cares about her. She keeps saying, "I feel sick" "BB doesn’t care about me and wont punish Josh 4 threats." "I’m done I don’t care" "Ryan’s a retard." Chelsia keeps trying to calm Allison down saying she’s a good person and stuff. Chelsia tells Allison to fight. Allison says a pig (Josh) threatened her and she doesn’t want to play till they punish him. She says, "I’m done. And my Gorilla (Ryan) of a partner doesn’t care for me." Allison and Chelsia say all the HGs this year are kids. Allison says, "This isn’t Big Brother." Chelsia hugs Allison. Allison says she doesn’t need this and that BB should throw Josh out and put him in jail. So we get FotH at 12:28 am BBT till....12:30 am BBT.
Allison says she’s leaving tomorrow unless they punish Josh. Chelsia leaves. Allison tries to sleep.
Outside Josh, Natalie and Sharon trash talking Allison. BB calls Sharon to DR.
James and Chelsia head to bed. Matt and Ryan are laying in same bed. Shelia and Adam are in bed and Adam talking to James. Outside Josh and Natalie talk.
12:30AM BBT: In LR Chelsia tells Ryan to pull Allison back into game. Chelsia says how can Allison feel threatened in a house with 24/7 surveillance.
In LR Ryan tells Chelsia that Allison just flipped out. Ryan says, "She called me a liar and yelled at me" and he's not talking to her until she apologies. Chelsia says she doesn’t know if Allison is truthful about leaving or just for attention. Josh enters and Ryan apologies as he says Allison just yelled at me. Josh says she lied too many times from the Lesbian alliance to this. Josh says he’s bringing that out tomorrow. Chelsia thinks Allison is breaking down. Ryan tells them doesn’t have Allison’s back. Chelsia says BB should lie to Allison to get her to stay. Josh says, "I’m not like Evel thingy I haven’t touched anyone." FotH at 12:38 am till... 12:40 am BBT.
Chelsia tells Josh to hold off on bring everything forward. Josh says he will bring out all of Allison’s manipulating things tomorrow. Josh leaves. Chelsia tells Ryan how Allison lied to her about Shelia.
12:45AM BBT: HGs are in coach bedroom talking. Three people in each bed and Allison is in boat room alone. Sharon is in DR and Josh listening to music in HoH, dancing and wearing a tiara. Josh is slow dancing with a stuffed animal still wearing the tiara. He does the sprinkler!
Chelsia and Natalie are feeling Shelia's breasts. Chelsia tries to take off Shelia's top but Shelia rolls her and spanks her. Natalie shows her the right way to spank Chelsia. Chelsia gets out of bed holding her butt as Natalie gave her a good one! They're just all playing around and having a fun time.
12:55AM BBT: Josh must be listening to a romantic song now as he is pointing to his stuffed moose on the bed. Josh sees someone in kitchen so he pours himself a Snapple and runs downstairs. Sharon comes out of DR and Josh goes into the DR, on his own. Sharon, Natalie and Adam talk about HoH comp in kitchen. Josh exits DR and joins the three in kitchen. Natalie tells Josh that Allison threw Ryan out of bed.
Allison yells for Matt he runs in and they talk in boat room. Allison puts down Ryan to Matt.
1:05AM BBT: Josh hugs Adam and Natalie and him and Sharon go to HoH room. They both think that American hates Allison. Sharon says Allison has to stay for her and Ryan to be evicted. Josh tells her that Allison is leaving as she is sleeping in the cursed boat room. Which is also broken and that Jen/Parker then Amanda/Alex used that room. Sharon can’t believe "Baller" stood up for her.
Matt is in boat room trying to calm down Ryan and Allison. Ryan's mad because she gave him middle finger. Ryan and Allison continue to argue and in the end Ryan walks out. He tells group it kitchen that they’re done. FotH at 1:11 am BBT till..... 1:13 am BBT.
Ryan and Allison try to make up in boat room. But Ryan calls her out that she changed her story. She says she was mistaken.
In BY Josh and Adam talk sitting on pool table. Natalie comes out and says she’s mad at Matt talking about getting hand jobs from her. FotH 1:15 am till 1:18 am BBT. In the HoH: Josh and Sharon say Allison knows she’s done.
In the BY, Natalie and Matt are yelling. Natalie was telling Matt that she wants him to spend time with her and he spends too much time with Allison. Matt says, “You’re jealous.” Natalie denies it and explains that she just wants to be with him. Matt says, “Ok, late night is you and me time” and goes on to say that during the day time he can do what he wants not what Natalie wants. He says, “If you’re in the HT, I don’t have to be in the HT.” Nat says, “But you are my partner, you have to spend time with me.”
BR: Ryan and Allison are arguing. Ryan tells Allison that she's lying and she gets really mad at him and tells him to just leave. She calls him back to say, "Ryan, everything that I have ever said nice about you, it's not right."
1:23AM BBT: The groups above are still fighting. Josh and Sharon bring Adam and Shelia up to HoH room and ask Shelia about Lesbian alliance. HoH room Shelia trash talks about Allison.
Meanwhile... Natalie leaves BY, James and Ryan go outside and Matt is yelling! They're smoking outside. Matt says he pissed. Ryan says he’s unhappy too. James goes inside while Matt and Ryan say they protect each other in votes and tell each other what happen with their girls. James rejoins them as they rehash their stories, then Chelsia joins them. Matt yells, "I can’t believe I have to sleep with a mental case!"
Natalie and Allison are now together in a big bed. But Ryan and her go back to boat room and argue.
Chelsia joins the four in HoH. Every time the group refers about Evel thingy harassing people we get FotH.
In BY hammock Matt and Natalie talk about things and try to make peace each saying their side of story.
Allison tells Ryan she’s sorry, they hug and go to bed.
2:15AM BBT: Matt continues to be a complete ass to Natalie, trying to blame her for things that have nothing to do with the subject at hand, while Natalie pinpoints the exact problems they have. He ignores her and doesn't talk to her. Matt tries to get Natalie to admit that she's completely in love with him, when all she seems to want is him to treat her like he does everyone else.
2:20AM BBT: Matt tells James and Chelsia that Natalie is crazy then goes to sleep.
2:25AM BBT: All HGs appear to be asleep.
2:30AM BBT: A producer calls Josh to the DR. Josh returns and said BB was nervous about him sleeping with pillow over face.
5:10AM BBT: All house guests sleeping.
8:20AM BBT: They're all still sleeping.
9:05AM BBT: They're all still sleeping.
9:40AM BBT: Sharon and Josh are talking in the HoH room. Sharon says, "Gay people don’t hurt people." They’re discussing the events of last night. Shelia is in the kitchen making coffee.
Talking about putting up Matt and Natalie with Sheila and Adam.
They are figuring it all comes down to PoV. They are getting a little ahead of themselves saying they are going to the end with Adam and Sheila. They "know" they will win if America votes.
Sheila is taking a shower. Sharon is running her mouth something terrible
Josh thinks that they're all playing for PoV this week and they're talking about next weeks HoH. They're talking about making a deal with Matt and Natalie for final 3 and assuming that Allison and Ryan are going this week.
9:55AM BBT: They are all over the board with scenarios. Now they are very nervous if someone comes back or partners get switched, etc. They are running through all possibilities.
10:00AM BBT to 10:15AM BBT: FotH.
We come back to all four feeds are on the kitchen, they’re all chatting and people are getting breakfast and such. Everyone in kitchen but Allison and Ryan. A little while later, Ryan enters kitchen. Good mornings all around. Then Allison enters to no greetings.
Natalie is rehashing argument with Matt to Allison in bathroom. Shelia comes in and starts drying her hair.
10:40AM BBT: Josh comes in the bathroom and Allison goes up to Josh and says, “That was funny last night, our acting. No one thinks we are aligned together." Sheila is in the bathroom with them. Josh walked away. He is now in HoH room with Sharon and says, "She is crazy!" Meanwhile Allison is still in the bathroom with Sheila laughing at what she said to Josh.
In the bathroom, Sheila is talking about how it's impossible to get through the game without getting nominated; it's just something you have to do. Sheila asks Chelsia if they were made to go to bed last night and she says, “Yeah.”
Allison and Natalie are now talking in the kitchen about Natalie's fight with Matt last night. Natalie is saying Matt doesn't care if anyone else climbs on him, but if she does it he doesn't like it. She says, “What am I diseased or something?” She told him she was a teased kid, a loner, a teased kid her whole life and he makes her feel left out. Allison is barely listening, with a bunch of “uh huhs.” The conversation then leads to Amanda interrupting all the time, and Allison jumps in with her own story about her.
10:55AM BBT: Sheila joins the conversation. Allison says it's really a Boston thing about Matt it's cultural. She says but she does agree with Natalie. Natalie resumes pregnant doging.
Allison brings up the Josh thing; she didn't know where it came from. Nat says he did it to get in your head and mess you up for HOH and Allison says "really, he didn't, I was like one second behind Sharon with the answer"
11:00AM BBT: Chelsia asks Allison if she's all right and Allison says, “She's ready to go f**king nuts, tear nuts up, I'm not f**king around.” She says she just went up to "him" and said "I thought you were serious last night, you had me fooled," Chelsia laughs, she says "good job, great actor." (Totally sarcastic) Chelsia says, "Funny."
Allison asks Adam why he's sad today and he says just all these things the past few days, food comp today. Adam says he can't eat slop again and Allison says, “No you can't, you have to win.” She then proceeds to tell Adam the same story about what she said to Josh and laughs. She says he was like “um huh,” she says it was so funny, “he's an idiot, he's psycho, and he’s a f**king psycho.” Adam says, “You ain't gotta tell me.” Allison says there's no way he passed the psychological exam. Adam says he feels the same way about Sheila
11:15AMish BBT: James says, “For someone {Allison} who's only seen a couple of episodes, she's sure got the gambit on a lot of seasons." Ryan says the only name he's heard out of her mouth was Dr. Will.
Adam starts asking James some pretty vulgar questions about Chelsia, and I'm not bothering to type it.
11:20AM BBT: Adam comes in and says he's sad; things are catching up to him. Sheila laughs and then realizes he's being serious. She says she can't help him if he doesn't want to talk about it though.
They're speculating the food comp will be soon, when Allison gets out of the DR. Ryan says he hopes it's a comp where you have to bet on how much of something gross they can eat, like a Fear Factor type thing. That leads to conversation about what they will or won't eat.
11:40AM BBT: Sheila and Josh are talking in kitchen, rehashing how crazy Allison is and Allison comes out of DR. Sheila says to Allison, “Josh does really wants to be your friend.” Allison is going to take Josh's last dollar.
Allison: “Yeah I want to be your friend too, close friends.”
Josh: “Yes close enough to send you home, close enough to put you on the plane home to that wonderful place you live.”
Allison: “Just wait until you get out of the house, you'll have a rude awakening.”
Josh: “What are you going to sue me?”
Allison: “You just wait!”
Josh: “You just forgot you signed your life away.”
Allison: “That is what you think.” FotH
We continue to get their bashing back and forth.
Josh: “Keep putting make up on, put make up on that mole flap you freakin Cyclops! The more make up you put on the uglier you get.”
Allison: “I wonder who Chase is f**king fight now? Who is Chase f**king?”
Josh: “I don't know? Who is he f**ker? Why don't you get in my 5 ft, it goes both ways.”
Allison: “Oh no it doesn't the producers told me that you have to stay away from me! Josh why did you go off on me? What just started this?”
Josh: “YOU Allison you are a f**king thingy!” More arguing.
The fallout from the above conversation. Allison tells Chelsia and James that she has done nothing but be nice to Josh and she's not going to take it. She goes on to say that they were all told before coming in the house what the rules are and he's broken them.
11:50AM BBT: Josh calls everyone to the HoH room but Allison and Ryan. In the HoH room, they all agree to nominate Matt/Natalie and Ryan/Allison and hope that Ryan and Allison don’t win the PoV competition.
Before FotH: Ryan was telling Allison to quit trying to turn things around on him and she played stupid and said she didn't have any idea what he meant. He said you keep saying we and I haven't done anything wrong to anyone, stop including me in the reason for the eviction He said Jen was his fault, but none of this is. Chelsia says she just feels in the middle because everyone she likes the most is fighting with each other. Ryan said something about how he is in the same position.
12:15PM BBT: FotH. 1:00PM BBT: Still FotH.
Allison yells more and says people will make fun of him outside these walls. She says she doesn’t lie (lol). Josh yells at her saying leave, thingy and other things. Allison heads inside. Ryan yells at Sharon telling her she said stuff. Adam backs Sharon up. Natalie then backs up Sharon. Josh says, "She’s just trying to make me get into her space and get tossed out and I won't do that." Sharon and Ryan yell more. Adam, Nat, and James are laughing at Ryan. Josh heads inside. Adam and Sharon say Ryan's lying.
Inside Allison goes to the DR. Matt and Shelia get told as Josh approaches and yells more at the two. Allison comes out of DR Josh says, "You’re f**king going home" so we get FotH at 12:04 am BBT till.... 12:12 am BBT.
Adam, Josh, Natalie and Sharon are in the HT and Allison is in bed. Adam and Josh say she is "Delusional, making her own stories up." Adam says, "She caused to many lies so far." Ryan heads to see Matt and tell his side of story then gets into bed with Allison. He seems unhappy with Allison and questions her about what is going on. Allison said Sharon is lying not her and she tells Ryan not to talk to her and leaves. Ryan asks, "So you’re lying to me?" Allison says, "Just leave Ryan, leave! I don’t give a nuts ok, bye good bye whatever Ryan. All the good stuff I said about you was false you are a piece of nuts." Ryan leaves and tells Matt and Shelia how Allison is totally done.
Outside Josh says, "Allison actually afraid of me. Let us all go and yell at her tomorrow and tell her what we feel together."
Ryan asks Matt and Shelia if he can sleep on their floor tonight. They tell him he can so Ryan gets pillow out of SR and lays down on pull out coach. Matt says, "Allie's gone nuts." Shelia laughs.
Josh, Sharon, Adam and Natalie realize all the lies Allison told since day one.
12:20AM BBT: Chelsia checks in on Allison. Allison says, "Ryan’s a f**king retard he’s looks like a gorilla he’s a retard!" Allison says Ryan's lying and Allison says she doesn’t care about game and will never go to DR. So we get FotH at 12:22am till..... 12:24 am BBT.
Allison tells Chelsia it’s not Josh it’s that nobody in this house cares about her. She keeps saying, "I feel sick" "BB doesn’t care about me and wont punish Josh 4 threats." "I’m done I don’t care" "Ryan’s a retard." Chelsia keeps trying to calm Allison down saying she’s a good person and stuff. Chelsia tells Allison to fight. Allison says a pig (Josh) threatened her and she doesn’t want to play till they punish him. She says, "I’m done. And my Gorilla (Ryan) of a partner doesn’t care for me." Allison and Chelsia say all the HGs this year are kids. Allison says, "This isn’t Big Brother." Chelsia hugs Allison. Allison says she doesn’t need this and that BB should throw Josh out and put him in jail. So we get FotH at 12:28 am BBT till....12:30 am BBT.
Allison says she’s leaving tomorrow unless they punish Josh. Chelsia leaves. Allison tries to sleep.
Outside Josh, Natalie and Sharon trash talking Allison. BB calls Sharon to DR.
James and Chelsia head to bed. Matt and Ryan are laying in same bed. Shelia and Adam are in bed and Adam talking to James. Outside Josh and Natalie talk.
12:30AM BBT: In LR Chelsia tells Ryan to pull Allison back into game. Chelsia says how can Allison feel threatened in a house with 24/7 surveillance.
In LR Ryan tells Chelsia that Allison just flipped out. Ryan says, "She called me a liar and yelled at me" and he's not talking to her until she apologies. Chelsia says she doesn’t know if Allison is truthful about leaving or just for attention. Josh enters and Ryan apologies as he says Allison just yelled at me. Josh says she lied too many times from the Lesbian alliance to this. Josh says he’s bringing that out tomorrow. Chelsia thinks Allison is breaking down. Ryan tells them doesn’t have Allison’s back. Chelsia says BB should lie to Allison to get her to stay. Josh says, "I’m not like Evel thingy I haven’t touched anyone." FotH at 12:38 am till... 12:40 am BBT.
Chelsia tells Josh to hold off on bring everything forward. Josh says he will bring out all of Allison’s manipulating things tomorrow. Josh leaves. Chelsia tells Ryan how Allison lied to her about Shelia.
12:45AM BBT: HGs are in coach bedroom talking. Three people in each bed and Allison is in boat room alone. Sharon is in DR and Josh listening to music in HoH, dancing and wearing a tiara. Josh is slow dancing with a stuffed animal still wearing the tiara. He does the sprinkler!
Chelsia and Natalie are feeling Shelia's breasts. Chelsia tries to take off Shelia's top but Shelia rolls her and spanks her. Natalie shows her the right way to spank Chelsia. Chelsia gets out of bed holding her butt as Natalie gave her a good one! They're just all playing around and having a fun time.
12:55AM BBT: Josh must be listening to a romantic song now as he is pointing to his stuffed moose on the bed. Josh sees someone in kitchen so he pours himself a Snapple and runs downstairs. Sharon comes out of DR and Josh goes into the DR, on his own. Sharon, Natalie and Adam talk about HoH comp in kitchen. Josh exits DR and joins the three in kitchen. Natalie tells Josh that Allison threw Ryan out of bed.
Allison yells for Matt he runs in and they talk in boat room. Allison puts down Ryan to Matt.
1:05AM BBT: Josh hugs Adam and Natalie and him and Sharon go to HoH room. They both think that American hates Allison. Sharon says Allison has to stay for her and Ryan to be evicted. Josh tells her that Allison is leaving as she is sleeping in the cursed boat room. Which is also broken and that Jen/Parker then Amanda/Alex used that room. Sharon can’t believe "Baller" stood up for her.
Matt is in boat room trying to calm down Ryan and Allison. Ryan's mad because she gave him middle finger. Ryan and Allison continue to argue and in the end Ryan walks out. He tells group it kitchen that they’re done. FotH at 1:11 am BBT till..... 1:13 am BBT.
Ryan and Allison try to make up in boat room. But Ryan calls her out that she changed her story. She says she was mistaken.
In BY Josh and Adam talk sitting on pool table. Natalie comes out and says she’s mad at Matt talking about getting hand jobs from her. FotH 1:15 am till 1:18 am BBT. In the HoH: Josh and Sharon say Allison knows she’s done.
In the BY, Natalie and Matt are yelling. Natalie was telling Matt that she wants him to spend time with her and he spends too much time with Allison. Matt says, “You’re jealous.” Natalie denies it and explains that she just wants to be with him. Matt says, “Ok, late night is you and me time” and goes on to say that during the day time he can do what he wants not what Natalie wants. He says, “If you’re in the HT, I don’t have to be in the HT.” Nat says, “But you are my partner, you have to spend time with me.”
BR: Ryan and Allison are arguing. Ryan tells Allison that she's lying and she gets really mad at him and tells him to just leave. She calls him back to say, "Ryan, everything that I have ever said nice about you, it's not right."
1:23AM BBT: The groups above are still fighting. Josh and Sharon bring Adam and Shelia up to HoH room and ask Shelia about Lesbian alliance. HoH room Shelia trash talks about Allison.
Meanwhile... Natalie leaves BY, James and Ryan go outside and Matt is yelling! They're smoking outside. Matt says he pissed. Ryan says he’s unhappy too. James goes inside while Matt and Ryan say they protect each other in votes and tell each other what happen with their girls. James rejoins them as they rehash their stories, then Chelsia joins them. Matt yells, "I can’t believe I have to sleep with a mental case!"
Natalie and Allison are now together in a big bed. But Ryan and her go back to boat room and argue.
Chelsia joins the four in HoH. Every time the group refers about Evel thingy harassing people we get FotH.
In BY hammock Matt and Natalie talk about things and try to make peace each saying their side of story.
Allison tells Ryan she’s sorry, they hug and go to bed.
2:15AM BBT: Matt continues to be a complete ass to Natalie, trying to blame her for things that have nothing to do with the subject at hand, while Natalie pinpoints the exact problems they have. He ignores her and doesn't talk to her. Matt tries to get Natalie to admit that she's completely in love with him, when all she seems to want is him to treat her like he does everyone else.
2:20AM BBT: Matt tells James and Chelsia that Natalie is crazy then goes to sleep.
2:25AM BBT: All HGs appear to be asleep.
2:30AM BBT: A producer calls Josh to the DR. Josh returns and said BB was nervous about him sleeping with pillow over face.
5:10AM BBT: All house guests sleeping.
8:20AM BBT: They're all still sleeping.
9:05AM BBT: They're all still sleeping.
9:40AM BBT: Sharon and Josh are talking in the HoH room. Sharon says, "Gay people don’t hurt people." They’re discussing the events of last night. Shelia is in the kitchen making coffee.
Talking about putting up Matt and Natalie with Sheila and Adam.
They are figuring it all comes down to PoV. They are getting a little ahead of themselves saying they are going to the end with Adam and Sheila. They "know" they will win if America votes.
Sheila is taking a shower. Sharon is running her mouth something terrible
Josh thinks that they're all playing for PoV this week and they're talking about next weeks HoH. They're talking about making a deal with Matt and Natalie for final 3 and assuming that Allison and Ryan are going this week.
9:55AM BBT: They are all over the board with scenarios. Now they are very nervous if someone comes back or partners get switched, etc. They are running through all possibilities.
10:00AM BBT to 10:15AM BBT: FotH.
We come back to all four feeds are on the kitchen, they’re all chatting and people are getting breakfast and such. Everyone in kitchen but Allison and Ryan. A little while later, Ryan enters kitchen. Good mornings all around. Then Allison enters to no greetings.
Natalie is rehashing argument with Matt to Allison in bathroom. Shelia comes in and starts drying her hair.
10:40AM BBT: Josh comes in the bathroom and Allison goes up to Josh and says, “That was funny last night, our acting. No one thinks we are aligned together." Sheila is in the bathroom with them. Josh walked away. He is now in HoH room with Sharon and says, "She is crazy!" Meanwhile Allison is still in the bathroom with Sheila laughing at what she said to Josh.
In the bathroom, Sheila is talking about how it's impossible to get through the game without getting nominated; it's just something you have to do. Sheila asks Chelsia if they were made to go to bed last night and she says, “Yeah.”
Allison and Natalie are now talking in the kitchen about Natalie's fight with Matt last night. Natalie is saying Matt doesn't care if anyone else climbs on him, but if she does it he doesn't like it. She says, “What am I diseased or something?” She told him she was a teased kid, a loner, a teased kid her whole life and he makes her feel left out. Allison is barely listening, with a bunch of “uh huhs.” The conversation then leads to Amanda interrupting all the time, and Allison jumps in with her own story about her.
10:55AM BBT: Sheila joins the conversation. Allison says it's really a Boston thing about Matt it's cultural. She says but she does agree with Natalie. Natalie resumes pregnant doging.
Allison brings up the Josh thing; she didn't know where it came from. Nat says he did it to get in your head and mess you up for HOH and Allison says "really, he didn't, I was like one second behind Sharon with the answer"
11:00AM BBT: Chelsia asks Allison if she's all right and Allison says, “She's ready to go f**king nuts, tear nuts up, I'm not f**king around.” She says she just went up to "him" and said "I thought you were serious last night, you had me fooled," Chelsia laughs, she says "good job, great actor." (Totally sarcastic) Chelsia says, "Funny."
Allison asks Adam why he's sad today and he says just all these things the past few days, food comp today. Adam says he can't eat slop again and Allison says, “No you can't, you have to win.” She then proceeds to tell Adam the same story about what she said to Josh and laughs. She says he was like “um huh,” she says it was so funny, “he's an idiot, he's psycho, and he’s a f**king psycho.” Adam says, “You ain't gotta tell me.” Allison says there's no way he passed the psychological exam. Adam says he feels the same way about Sheila
11:15AMish BBT: James says, “For someone {Allison} who's only seen a couple of episodes, she's sure got the gambit on a lot of seasons." Ryan says the only name he's heard out of her mouth was Dr. Will.
Adam starts asking James some pretty vulgar questions about Chelsia, and I'm not bothering to type it.
11:20AM BBT: Adam comes in and says he's sad; things are catching up to him. Sheila laughs and then realizes he's being serious. She says she can't help him if he doesn't want to talk about it though.
They're speculating the food comp will be soon, when Allison gets out of the DR. Ryan says he hopes it's a comp where you have to bet on how much of something gross they can eat, like a Fear Factor type thing. That leads to conversation about what they will or won't eat.
11:40AM BBT: Sheila and Josh are talking in kitchen, rehashing how crazy Allison is and Allison comes out of DR. Sheila says to Allison, “Josh does really wants to be your friend.” Allison is going to take Josh's last dollar.
Allison: “Yeah I want to be your friend too, close friends.”
Josh: “Yes close enough to send you home, close enough to put you on the plane home to that wonderful place you live.”
Allison: “Just wait until you get out of the house, you'll have a rude awakening.”
Josh: “What are you going to sue me?”
Allison: “You just wait!”
Josh: “You just forgot you signed your life away.”
Allison: “That is what you think.” FotH
We continue to get their bashing back and forth.
Josh: “Keep putting make up on, put make up on that mole flap you freakin Cyclops! The more make up you put on the uglier you get.”
Allison: “I wonder who Chase is f**king fight now? Who is Chase f**king?”
Josh: “I don't know? Who is he f**ker? Why don't you get in my 5 ft, it goes both ways.”
Allison: “Oh no it doesn't the producers told me that you have to stay away from me! Josh why did you go off on me? What just started this?”
Josh: “YOU Allison you are a f**king thingy!” More arguing.
The fallout from the above conversation. Allison tells Chelsia and James that she has done nothing but be nice to Josh and she's not going to take it. She goes on to say that they were all told before coming in the house what the rules are and he's broken them.
11:50AM BBT: Josh calls everyone to the HoH room but Allison and Ryan. In the HoH room, they all agree to nominate Matt/Natalie and Ryan/Allison and hope that Ryan and Allison don’t win the PoV competition.
Before FotH: Ryan was telling Allison to quit trying to turn things around on him and she played stupid and said she didn't have any idea what he meant. He said you keep saying we and I haven't done anything wrong to anyone, stop including me in the reason for the eviction He said Jen was his fault, but none of this is. Chelsia says she just feels in the middle because everyone she likes the most is fighting with each other. Ryan said something about how he is in the same position.
12:15PM BBT: FotH. 1:00PM BBT: Still FotH.