Post by bbfanatik on Mar 17, 2008 14:04:28 GMT -5
Midnight... Ryan, Adam and Sheila are in the boat room. Ryan says they need to start winning. They need to win three weeks in a row.
She says Natalie is a terrible liar and then tells Adam he needs to step up his game. Ryan says they are going to pick you two off. Sheila is a little pissed now that she has heard some of the things they James, Josh and Chelsia have been saying about her. She asks if her breath really does stink. Also says she did not have to take a psych test... She tells them she's kidding!
1:00AM BBT: In HoH Chelsia, Josh and James saying they have to get HoH next week and Natalie should be the one to go. They are making fun of her saying her dog is 14 inches tall and that is like 2 feet and that she thought Alzheimer’s Disease is really called Old Timers Disease.
Josh gets called to DR and tells Sheila to go to HoH. Chelsia tells Sheila the whole house is saying they are voting how Sheila Votes and it is all on her. Sheila tells them that Natalie has been talking about all the stuff they have said about her. Things they have said that will hurt her son and that they were going to put Sheila on the block every week until she breaks.
1:30AM BBT: Josh is now back in HoH. He is now telling his reasons why Matt needs to go and they include how he gets blowjobs from Natalie. He also wants to tell Natalie how Matt said he offered to put Natalie up on the block. Sheila says it won't matter to her - she won't hear you. 3
Josh tells Sheila that Natalie came to him and told him that they're alliance is still alive and Sheila is reporting back everything they tell Sheila and if Josh joins them, they'll protect him. Sheila denies all of this. Sheila says to let Natalie be delusional and that Natalie thinks the siren is going to go off too. Chelsea, James, and Josh don't think the siren will go off.
2:00AM BBT: Josh and Sheila leave HoH. James says to Chelsia, "I don't trust her one f**king bit." Chelsia says, "Me either." James says it is her smirks, "We have got to win HoH - That's it!" Then they discuss maybe flipping the house and keeping Matt but decide that he is the one that has to go. James says he will be the target sothey have to win HOH
2:15AM BBT: James says next week will be really interesting. Chelsia says she just doesn't want Natalie to get HoH. James says well you haven't won anything since our last HoH and that they need to start working out and trying to get athletic. He says this is the time now to step it up and there is a lot of money riding on this - it is not just about looking good. James says, "We're so f**ked!" Chelsia says, "No we're not." He says this next week is all in your hands and if he goes home it is your entire fault.
Chelsia says she is going to go to bed. James tells her it is lonely up there without her and Chelsia snuggles him and says she gets cold without him - that she sleeps with two blankets. James says it is hot up in the HoH. She kisses him and leaves.
2:30AM BBT: Camera's 1 and 2 are on sleeping HG. While camera 3 and 4 are following James in HoH. He has a snack and now is washing his face. Checking out his roots.
Chelsia is in her bed. Josh and Sharon are on other sofa bed. Natalie and Matt are in one bed. Ryan is on the floor and Adam in the other bed. No sign of Sheila. She's probably in the boat room off camera.
James is now brushing his teeth and wandering around HoH room while doing so. Takes off his mic and begins to straighten up the sheets and blankets on his bed. Strips down to his tightie whities and turns off lights. Gets into bed and turns on spy cam TV.
3:30PM BBT: All are sleeping now.
5:10AM BBT: Still sleeping.
8:00AM BBT: They're sleeping.
9:15AM BBT: The HGs were woken up to what sounded like St Patty's day music.
9:25AM BBT: Josh in BR and says, “I didn't think we worked on Mondays.” They're talking of diary sessions. Sheila says, “I know this is weird, unless they are going to get stuff they missed yesterday, they didn't get any of it.” Josh asks, “Any of what?” Sheila tells him, “When I got pulled off…” BB – “HGs you are not allowed to talk about your DR sessions with out HGs”
James is still in bed, Sheila using the WC and Matt now in BR wiping the sleep out of his eyes. Sharon and Josh talking. Sharon talking about a dream she had where they were running through a maze and she says it is the weirdest dream she has ever had. Josh asks, “Did we win HoH?” Sharon tells him, “No but what is weird we were still evicting people and it was weird because Allison was there and her phone rang and it was her dad and he was reaming you a new not a very nice person and somehow you evicted her.”
10:00AM BBT: Sheila and Natalie are in the BR talking. Sheila is pissed and it telling Natalie that she has a plan and one of their people may have to go on the block if she wins HoH but she has a plan to get the bad people out and so the good people win. Natalie says we have to get together each night and pray for God to help the good people prevail. Sheila says she wishes Evelthingy would be the twist and he would come in the house and rip the bad people a new not a very nice person. Natalie agrees. Sheila is mad because they question her sanity and bring up the fact that her son is watching and he is mortified at how they are talking about her.
10:10AM BBT: Sheila and Natalie are talking about how they need to get the 'bad people' out of there. Sheila tells Natalie she didn’t know how brutal this game was, s says Evelthingy was a single dad that is why he did so well, he had teenage kids, that is why he fought so hard. Natalie says she told her mom that this game is not good it is brutal. Sheila: “Here’s the thing, I didn't think it through long enough, no amount of money is worth hurting my son, I came in this game to change our life’s, my son is sitting there three days a week crying.” Natalie says, “My Dad is watching her get pickle juice on her and he is mad.”
10:25AM BBT: Natalie informs Sheila that she is up to her normal weight now 114 lbs because she had lost weight and was at 110. Talks turns to Natalie’s period and if she’s started yet and what color skirt she should wear.
Sheila goes into the kitchen looks at the dishes and says, "I'm not going to wash them. I refuse to!" Natalie is blow-drying her hair. Sharon and Josh back in bed asleep, Chelsia still in bed asleep. Natalie and Sheila are the only ones awake and getting ready.
10:35AM BBT: Sharon feeds the guinea pigs and Natalie starts talking about how you tell a boy GP from a girl. Evidently you can tell because Natalie says, "They have huge balls."
10:45AM BBT: We had a brief DR leak. A female voice identified herself as Sean says, "Hello Chelsia, it's Sean. How are you?" Chelsia says, "Good." And then we don't hear any more. Sharon and Natalie heard it and questioned, "What was that?"
Post by bbfanatik on Mar 17, 2008 15:37:52 GMT -5
11:50AM BBT: All Four Feeds the same...
Ryan, Natalie, and I think Adam are outside playing with the Croquet set, not much talking going on. They are using what look like the dumbbell set to act as the hoops. Matt is out there too.
Matt talking to Adam saying it is weird, he feels like he is already out of the house. Matt takes the cover off the pool table, and is setting up the pool table to play. Adam asks Matt if he is going to play 9-Ball. All four feeds on Matt and Adam playing pool.
12:20PM BBT: HoH LD
12:50PM BBT: Everyone in HoH on lockdown. A lot of talk about horror movies. Chelsia says be careful they might make the HoH comp about it. They all laugh. They are now talking about survival and what they would need. Sheila said a knife and an ipod.
1:00PM BBT: They’re now talking about their pets. Chelsia talked about Pugsly, her cat and Natalie is talking about her dog and how she is trying to train him and her friends dog turns lights on and off.
Post by bbfanatik on Mar 17, 2008 22:18:27 GMT -5
1:25PM BBT: LD is over. Nothing has changed in the house as far as the HG can tell.
James and Josh stayed in the HoH room to talk about Sheila. Chelsia came back in to get something and Josh and her head down stairs.
1:30PM BBT: Josh and Chelsia are in the SR. Josh says that he just isn’t getting the right feeling from Sheila and Chelsia agrees. Chelsia wants a turkey sandwich but all they have is ham.
Josh goes in to Sharon in the bedroom to talk about Sheila. He tells her that Sheila is working both side and don't tell her anything.
Gawd, Sharon is talking to the GPs again. "Hi babiiiies" [UGH]
1:40PM BBT: Sharon, Josh, Chelsia and Sheila are in the kitchen getting food while Natalie, Ryan, Matt and Adam outside practicing with the croquet set. Matt asked Adam and Natalie how it's looking and they tell him it's not good.
1:40PM BBT: Natalie, Adam and Ryan are talking about the HoH competition and they hope that it's their week and they're the better people in this house. They talk about Sharon; Ryan says she is a good person. Natalie says that Sharon made a choice to be with them. Ryan says its because she was paired with Josh and she had no choice. Natalie tells Ryan that she had a choice, her alliance rolled on her last week and she's gone back to them.
Natalie is giving them a pep talk and telling both Ryan and Adam that they can win this week HoH. Adam declares, "I gotta go nuts." Natalie doesn't miss a beat and keeps talking abut the HoH competition, "I can feel it." Ryan, "Mhhmmm, yep, hmmhmm, yep."
Ryan sees a bird and thinks it looks like it's smoking. Natalie hits another ball and it impressed with herself. Ryan, "Nice." She is really just talking to herself. Natalie: "They think I'm annoying now? Wait till I win HoH, I'm going to drive them f**king nutso." Ryan: "Hmmhmm." Natalie: “No matter who makes it to the end, we’ve got the votes in sequester, so if one of us makes it to the final two none of them will win.” Ryan: "Yep."
2:10PM BBT: Matt is in the BY and approaches Chelsia about the votes. Chelsia tells him that she really doesn’t want to talk right no and there is too much going ad she’s 50/50. Matt asks what he's done and Chelsia tells him that she doesn't like the way he plays the game. Matt asks why he's taking the heat for the backdooring and Chelsia says, “It's cuz you were a big part of it and if when she was on the block she hadn't used veto, you (Matt) would have voted her out.” Matt says, ‘That's why you're voting me out?" Sheila chimes in and says when she was on block she didn't get any support and that Natalie doesn't lie and had told her that Matt and Adam were going to vote for Ryan to stay.
Matt tells them when Ryan and he were in HoH, Ryan had brought up Sheila as a possible block person and Matt said not to and that's how he saved her. Chelsia jumps in and says, “You say you had nothing to do with everything and now you say you knew and talked with Ryan?” Matt says he didn't have control though. Chelsia says everyone felt bad for Natalie (after last HoH) and that's why he didn't go up on the block and ended up backdoored. Chelsia says Natalie is sad and pathetic and it will come out in the end either it's true or Matt and Natalie play a good game. Sheila asks for the assurance that Matt would have voted to keep her. Matt assures her that's true but he didn't discuss things because the PoV hadn't been played.
Chelsia says she and James are playing for themselves and that James had suggested her name for nomination when Ryan was HoH proves that. Matt doesn't know what he's done to anyone and they just don't like the way he plays. He asks if they like Ryan better and they say no. He asks what the problem is then and they say they don't want to keep either. Sheila brings up Natalie and Matt threatens yet again to leave Natalie's bed.
2:25PM BBT: It continues in the BY with Matt, Sheila, Chelsia and Sharon just listening and being almost silent. Sheila brings it back to her again by asking if Matt "would have" voted to keep her.
In a desperate move, Matt suggests they keep him and put him up against Natalie next week and he also throws Ryan under the bus by recounting everything Ryan did against each person in the BY. Sheila says, “Yeah, he did put James on the block.” Ryan reminds he also put Chelsia and Sharon up.
Now Chelsia blames Matt's predicament on how he has treated Natalie. Natalie and Ryan join backyard and Matt tells Natalie not to campaign for him.
Meanwhile... In kitchen Josh and Adam talking about who to vote for and how Natalie is saying Ryan has three confirmed votes. Adam denies. Josh says he doesn't understand why Natalie is campaigning for Matt when he should do it himself. Chelsia comes in and tells them Matt is annoying her. Josh says he wants the vote to be in the morning so the BS can stop.
2:50PM BBT: Chelsia continues the conversation in the bathroom. She says that it’s pissing her off that Matt and Natalie are on everyone’s case about the votes. Sharon says Natalie told he they had two votes to keep Matt but wouldn’t say who and not to tell Josh. Josh says she told him that already. Chelsia says that Ryan is pissed because there are two people campaigning to keep Matt in the house and he’s only one. James comes in and Chelsia tells him to lock himself upstairs till Wednesday and he asks what’s going on. They fill him in and James tells them that’s just what he wanted. Adam asks what Sheila said and Chelsia tells him that Sheila told Matt to his face that she didn’t want to vote for either but she promised her vote to Ryan.
Meanwhile… Ryan and Matt are in the BY after everyone kind of vacated. Matt tells him they should have put Josh and Sharon on the block last week. Matt explains to Ryan that they thought he was telling people that he already had Chelsia and Sharon’s vote. He decides that he needs some kind of miracle this week and they move on to discuss the siren and it needs to go off again this week.
3:15PM BBT: Everything seems to have calmed down a little again. James is in the kitchen getting something to eat and talking to Adam. James hopes that one of the other three don't get HoH on Wednesday and says that Sheila is playing both sides of the house. Adam says he doesn't have a side but he will keep and eye on Sheila and Natalie.
Chelsia and Josh are in the BY tanning and speculating if there will be a double eviction this season.
3:30PM BBT: Sharon and Sheila are sitting by the HT. Sheila has been re-hashing "my son is a minor and didn't sign up for this" problem she has with people saying horrible things about her.
A little later, Sharon says that what bothers her is that either Natalie or Matt could end up at the end and win this game. It's really hard to hear of very the bubbles noise.
Sheila says that unless Matt leaves Natalie is going to obsess over him and not play the game for herself.
3:40PM BBT: Between the bubbles and Sheila, I had to change feeds. Ryan and Matt are sitting in one of the lounge chairs not far from Sheila and Sharon talking. They’re talking about Matt being paranoid in general in the house and out of it. General chitchat, Matt talking about his Mom and asking Ryan if his grandparents are still living and if Ryan sees his father etc.
Sheila tells Sharon she thinks she is going to do her nails. Two feeds are on Sharon and Sheila and two on Ryan and Matt.
4:30PM BBT: Chelsia and James had a zip popping fest in the bathroom. I was privileged enough to have just sat down after eating dinner to watch it…
5:03PM BBT: James, Sharon, Chelsia and Josh are in the BY having a Matt bashing session. James says he loves how Matt says he is in love with his GF he left at home and yet he is copping BJ's in the house. Chelsia says Matt is a pig. Josh says he deserves to spend Easter alone in sequester.
They also discuss HoH and Josh thinks that Natalie and Sheila will probably get it. Chelsia tells him not to talk like that and it will be between the three of them. They bash Natalie's cooking and Chelsia is thankful she isn't cooking for them anymore. Sharon tells Chelsia she was waiting for her to go off on Matt today because it looked like he was pushing her to the point. Chelsia tells them she just told him he was annoying the nuts out of her and she told him and walked away. They all think it's funny that this week is the reverse of last week.
Chelsia is dying James' hair again in the HoH bathroom.
5:10PM BBT: Ryan and Josh are out by the pool table. Josh tells Ryan that he isn’t going on the block next week no matter who out of the three win HoH as they’re after the other people. They think that HoH will be mental and the croquet will be for PoV
Ryan is pretty annoyed at Natalie’s campaigning for Matt and her lying about him. Josh tells him to talk to Sharon and Chelsia. Josh tells him that Natalie thinks it will be 3-3 and that James will evict Ryan but Josh thinks it will be 5-1 with Matt walking out the door. Josh tells Ryan he has his vote to stay. Josh tells him, “You shouldn't sweat it, just act like you're sweating it.” Josh is confident that the HoH will be questions and it will be true/false and that if it is mental, Natalie won’t win. Josh tells Ryan just before he walks away, “We’re cool. You f**ked me over last week, I can't imagine you would f**k me over next week too.”
Shelia is talking to Matt and Natalie saying that she owes James nothing for taking her off the block as it was his choice and that Shelia is going to get James and Chelsia out at the first chance possible.
5:25PM BBT: Sharon and Ryan are talking outside about the votes and Sharon said that she didn't say to Natalie that she would vote for Matt. Sharon said she can't believe it is so blown out of proportion. Sharon is griping about Natalie and Matt saying they had her vote as that makes her look bad.
Sharon has a problem that Matt asked her to work her people, she doesn't understand why he can't speak for himself and says it shows he has a problem looking some people in the eye. She goes on to say that you don't have to play dirty to win this game and she doesn't understand why people have to play so dirty.
Matt is now telling Sheila that he can help her later in the game and he is begging for Sheila's vote. Sheila just gave Matt some very smart advice, Sheila told Matt to go up to James and tell the truth about his plan of backdooring Josh and that James being backdoored was all Ryan's idea and that Ryan convinced everyone to vote James out.
Chelsia is going to act like she and James had a tiff and that she is turning on James and Josh she is doing this to get Natalie on her side and Chelsia is going to be James and Josh's mole. They are going to have Chelsia tell Matt that she is voting for him to stay and that they can pull Sharon on their side. They are also going to have Chelsia tell them that Josh and James should go up next week.
6:05 PM BBT: There is some scheming going on in the HoH between Josh, Sharon and James. They are talking about getting Shelia and Natalie out next week and if one wins PoV put Ryan and up and throw him out. They are talking about Adam and James loves to get information out of Shelia. Josh says Matt should have been out when they were couples. Josh says Matt is a horrible liar and that if Chelsea starts acting sad, then Shelia will go around and ask what is wrong with Chelsea to everyone. The master plan..
According to Shelia, Matt says that he can get Sharon without even trying. All he needs to do is try and make out with her. James is called to the DR and James tells the others that they can hang out in the "den."
Josh says that Shelia wants him out.
6:15ish PM BBT: We got a brief break from FotH where we saw that BB has blessed the HGs with Pizza, Cake, Wine and Beer! It’s the halfway party!
6:35PM BBT: FotH.
7:00PM BBT: Feeds coming back and Shelia Natalie Sharon and Chelsea are all gathered around the cake looking at it. Josh is eating a piece saying its sweet (it was Parker’s face).
Shelia goes and sits next to Josh at the table. Josh says he is bored. He says, “The game is like the ocean, it just never ends. I’ve done the same thing for forty days.”
He feels like he has wasted the last forty days of his life. He says this coming week is his week, he feels like he is going home. He wishes he didn’t know it was halfway. They will have been in the house for six weeks on Wednesday. Josh says he thought that there would be more to do, other than just sitting in there. Josh says that he feels like he is emotionally cracking. He cants wait till he gets back to his real life, real job, real friends. Josh says he doesn’t want to hypothesize about next week; it all depends on the HoH.
Talk changes to alcohol and Shelia says she loves Japanese beers. Chelsea says all she has had was Sake; Shelia spreads her knowledge of it. Chelsea says she got her ass kicked with it. Sharon says she isn't a big drinker. Chitchat keeps going about alcohol.
7:40PM BBT: Josh in Sauna Room having a minor meltdown. James enters and they discuss plan to make house vote their way to keep Ryan. James tells Josh to cut a killer deal with Ryan and hope that if he offers the world he'll at least give a little before he goes back on his word. James leaves and goes to BY.
Matt and James are in the BY and Matt fighting for his life. James says he’s out because he gave James the thumbs up that day before the eviction and tells Matt he will be gone 3-3. James says, “You should have never given him the thumbs up and that's what this is all about.” Matt says, “He really thought James was staying even though he voted to evict James.” He again asks why he's taking the heat for Ryan on this all.
James says he won't work with Matt and maybe Matt has the votes anyway. Matt defending himself and James goes back to the thumbs up. James says not in so many words but payback's a pregnant dog.
7:50PM BBT: James says it's all because the whole house screwed him last week and getting Matt out will screw them back. James tells him he backdoored Matt so he couldn't get off the block. Matt says if it's an eye for an eye, he should be after Ryan. James basically says he was screwed so bad that he's doing the same to Matt. Matt asks, if it's so bad, why would you ever do it to anyone else?”
James tells Matt he thinks he's got the votes and is going to stay. Matt says no way he doesn't. James says he got into an argument with Chelsia today and doesn't know what she'll do. [James’ plan in effect] Matt says now that he picked the wrong side to be on and he’s fighting and begging and pleading they agree Sheila and Adam will always be on the fence.
Matt asks for compassion. James listening. James says he's doing the same thing that was done to him and he's not done yet. James scams and manipulates Matt into recounting conversations about what people said before James was evicted.
8:00PM BBT: James goes back to thumbs up and says that he's doing this because Matt lied to his face all last week.
Meanwhile… Ryan and Chelsea talking in the Red Room. Chelsea says she knows where her vote is going. Ryan says last week he was put into a bad situation. Chelsea calls him a loveable guy. Ryan says maybe he should have played it differently. Ryan says he is not walking around overconfident. Chelsea appreciates that he is not on people for their votes. Ryan says he dug himself in a hole last week. Ryan tells Chelsea that he wont put her up. She says that she doesn’t want to be backdoored. He says she is safe. She doesn’t want him to throw the HoH competition. They both leave the red room. Ryan lays down in the other room for a second then walks through the house to the kitchen where there is a conversation about snoring going on.
Post by bbfanatik on Mar 18, 2008 7:04:51 GMT -5
8:10PM BBT: Matt is outside with James and is promising the moon and stars. They’re talking about Sheila playing the whole house and Matt says, “Just tell me if its 3-3 you will keep me.” James tells him he’ll think about it, “Talk to the house, I'm only the guy who can break the tie.”
8:20PM BBT: Josh and Sharon are in the bedroom with James. James asks if they’re tired and Josh says, “What else is there to do? I don't want to be in the kitchen (because Natalie and Sheila) and hear all that crap again. James tells Josh that Sheila went straight to Natalie with info from a conversation they all had earlier.
8:25PM BBT: Chelsia and Matt are talking outside and Chelsia is telling him that she wants Ryan out and that it makes sense to get Ryan out this week and that she shouldn't have voted james back in because it makes her game harder. Chelsia tells him, “Please don’t tell anyone, but I don’t want Ryan in this house. He is playing Jens game and he totally backstabbed me.” Matt says, “I need you, I could probably get Sheila and baler.” Chelsia says, “I don’t know” and tells him she is playing for herself. Matt says, “I am too.”
They discuss Josh and Sharon and how they are so close and Matt explains that the only thing he did was find out about james screwing him over and he helped flipped it around. Matt says, “I need your vote, ill do whatever, I can make sure Natalie doesn’t go after you, she’s a nice girl, but she will do what I say.”
8:55PM BBT: Matt talking to himself saying he has to pull a move like Evelthingy did last year against Dustin.
9:00PM BBT: Matt went into the room and told Natalie that he only has to get Adam and Sheila and she is not to tell anyone at all, that he will tomorrow. Natalie hugs him and says, "Congrats." He comes out and asks James what he's thinking about and James says, "The game." Matt asks, "Good thoughts?" James tells him to give him time.
9:02PM BBT: They just showed Natalie praying to god to give her strength to pull out a miracle.
9:15PM BBT: James and Ryan talking in the BR. Ryan says he thinks the vote will be 4-2 to keep him. James says he thinks it will be 3-3 and that Chelsia is voting to keep Matt. (James is still sticking with the lie that he and Chelsia had an argument and she isn’t siding with James anymore)
9:30PM BBT: Sheila is in the HoH talking with James. James telling her that after the stuff that went down this afternoon and talking with Matt, Chelsia and Josh, he has no idea how people are voting. Sheila is shocked, saying that she cant believe that he sat there in the HT the other night that he did this to get out Matt and now all of the sudden he doesn't even know. James says that him, Chelsia, Josh, and Sharon are not in an alliance anymore. They had an understanding to watch out for each other but have now gone on to play their own games. Sheila says its not that she feels like she owes him something because he did take her off the block and give her a second chance but James quickly tells her he doesn’t need her help this week. She needs to vote for herself and do what’s best for her this week although he does think he will need her help in the future of the game. Sheila keeps saying that the best thing for Matt to do would be to stop working with Natalie and move out of the bed with her. She says he just needs to tell Nat that he is playing for himself now and the couple thing is over and wants her to stop campaigning for him.
James: “Who do you want? Do you want Matt or Ryan here?” (Silence) James: “See!” Sheila: “It's a toss up. I'm not going to lie to you. It's hard.”
Sheila goes on to say that she just feels like Matt's downfall is Natalie and he really needs to start playing his own game. Sheila asks James what he wants to do if there is a tie, and he tells her he can't say because he doesn't even think that it will be a tie and that the vote will be 4-2. Sheila is shocked and then tells him that honestly Matt is not gunning for James.
9:40 PM BBT: Natalie in the kitchen, Sharon at the GP cage. Sharon just talking to the GP's, Natalie is looking at the cake they got from BB. Natalie walks towards the bedroom and asks Sharon if everyone is going to bed early or what? Sharon says that everyone is just passing out. Natalie tells her she’s about to go get in the sauna.
Feed switches to Ryan in the bathroom brushing teeth. Matt walks in and then Natalie comes right behind him. Just general chitchat as Ryan finished brushing teeth. Natalie tells them she is going to go relax in the sauna room for about 45 minutes since everyone seems to be tired and going to bed early. Ryan tells Matt he'll stay up with him and chill and asks if Matt had just came out of the DR, he says yes. Natalie saying they had told her she would be called in the DR today so he dressed up and looked nice and they haven't called in yet today. She says she just knows that when she is in the sauna, and all hot and sweaty they will call her in.
Ryan asking them what can they do for St. Patty's day, and Natalie asks if they want to play hide and go seek. They both kind of mumble and walk towards the kitchen.
Matt now cutting himself a piece of cake.
James and Sheila still talking about votes in the HoH.
Sheila explaining that she did give her word to Ryan and James agrees that she should probably vote for him so she doesn't go back on her word. She says she likes Matt but she hasn't lied to anyone yet and so she should keep her word with Ryan. Sheila surprised that James really doesn't know how everyone is voting and she says that she knows he is a smart guy and he must know. James still denies it and says that he doesn't know where Chelsia stands even. James saying that him and Chelsia both told each other that all they could do was to look out for themselves and not each other anymore so he kind of feels like she might be voting for Matt to stay because Ryan was the one that put her on the block last week. Sheila asks where he is going to sleep after he gets out of HOH and he says there is the cursed bed or the floor, or he could sleep with Adam, but he isn't thinking that far in advance right now. James just asking Sheila again that he wants her to do what she wants, for herself in this game. Both still going back and forth on who is better to keep, Ryan or Matt. James saying he just needs to figure out where people stand because last week everyone was telling him he was safe and then two hours later he was evicted. Now talk has changed whether or not the siren will go off this week and James says he thinks it will be when they least expect it and that someone WILL be evicted this week.
9:50 BBT: James telling Sheila yet again (because she doesn't seem to be getting it) that he just wants her to go with her gut because last week she didn't go with her gut and he just wants her to this week. Sheila now asking if its true about all the harsh things people have said about her behind her back and even if they were in a joking matter, she has a son watching. He tells her that he has had DR sessions about her like them asking, "How do you feel about Sheila?" and that he has been honest because he is a very blunt and honest person. BB: "James...."
Sheila explaining that blasting her is just like blasting her son because he is watching and he explains that he did talk bad about her in the DR after what she did to him last week because he was mad. Sheila again talking about how Matt just needs to separate from Natalie and until he does he will not change his game play.
The conversation is going in circles. Who is better to keep, Matt or Ryan and Sheila should go with her gut, matt needs to stop working with Natalie etc.
9:58 PM BBT: James tells Sheila he's going to go bed and she says, “OK.” She leaves and he shuts the door and starts dancing and laughing and is just laying in the bed watching the spy cam.
In the BY, Ryan and Matt are still playing pool. Chelsia is now outside joining them two and Natalie. Matt asking why everyone is sleeping. Just random chitchat about how they should all be enjoying the time here because afterwards they are going to make history with the show but this time next year there will be other people in the house and they will be forgotten.
10:00 PM BBT: All four feeds on the BY. Ryan and Matt playing another game of pool. Natalie is playing croquet and Chelsia is just sitting with her feet in the HT watching. Not much talking going on just Natalie commentating on herself playing croquet.
10:10 PM BBT: Matt goes inside and is now talking to Sheila in the Sauna Room. Sheila was telling Matt that it still might not happen, but he says that’s OK, I know, but I already have one vote but I can't say who, but I have one vote. He then keeps telling her he loves her right now (I'm assuming she just told him that she will give her vote to him) and she again tells him he really needs to stay away from Natalie and he says he is and will be moving out of the bed. They both walk out and Natalie is just now walking into the house talking about playing pool and Matt says he will play with her. Now Natalie and Sheila are in the kitchen trying to put the cake away and Sheila takes the trash out.
10:15PM BBT: Chelsia and Ryan are out by the HT with their feet dangling. Chelsia is still having issues with her toenail and it looks to be falling off. She tells Ryan the DR informed her that she needs to leave it alone as that kind of thing needs surgery to be removed.
Ryan is working Chelsia for her vote but not as intensely as Matt. The conversation switches to Allison and Ryan tells her that Allison was a professional gambler. Chelsia said she knew something was up because Allison said that if she won she would open a counseling center for addicted gamblers and Chelsia asked if she had a problem and Allison said that it was someone in her family. Chelsia informs Ryan that Allison and her BF (or ex) were swingers… Ryan is shocked. Matt comes out a little later and they start talking about general things and then back to Allison being a swinger.
11:00PM BBT: Sheila and Natalie are in the bedroom talking about the same old crap I've heard all day. While the HT crew (Matt, Chelsia and Ryan) are still outside talking about the show and couples and why they were pair together. Josh, Sharon, James and Adam are presumably in bed
11:05 pm BBT: Matt, Ryan and Natalie discuss everyone’s “dirty little secret”
Amanda = A Man, Duh Allison = Bi-Sexual and reformed gambling addict Alex = He’s really rich and owns his own company Jen = Partner in the house Ryan = Partner in the house Sharon = Dominatrix (but, on the down low) Parker = Paparazzi Natalie = Still a stripper Adam = Professional Bowler in the Florida circuit Chelsia = She has a girlfriend Josh = His father is a big Oil man in Texas and they are multi-millionaires James = n/a Jacob = He’s been to prison Sheila = She’s been there and done all that and her “secret’s” blow all there’s out of the water Neil = Plastic surgeon Matt = Ex Stripper
Also, Parker was put in the house because Amanda and Jen like black guys and BB knew it would cause problems between Amanda and Jen and that it would upset Ryan because of his racist views. Ryan says immediately that it didn’t bother him at all, he could care less.
Now they are talking about how aggressive Parker was (too much so) and that he pissed off a lot of them when he got everyone out of bed because someone else called him a “snake.” They discuss who started that rumor and both Chelsia and Matt thought it was Ryan and he says, NO… it was Jacob. He explains to them what happened that night.
11:15 pm BBT: Sheila and Nat are in the boat room, in the dark. Sheila tells Natalie about her conversation with James. How Ryan screwed everyone not Matt. Sheila is going to talk to Adam tomorrow about his vote. Natalie says that she thinks Chelsia is a silent but deadly type. Sheila reminds her that it’s not definite yet and that Chelsia is just “leaning.” They talk about Ryan leaving with $10k. They discuss AGAIN about Nat telling Sheila she was 50/50 with her vote when Sheila was on the block.
Sheila says that it will either be 3/3 or 4/2 (in Matty’s favor) He doesn’t deserve to have his birthday alone.
Sheila explains to Nat why Matt and she have to separate from each other. Matt has to sleep in another bed because it will be better for BOTH of their games. James and Chelsia don’t sleep together. Adam and I don’t sleep together. But, I still have his back and I ain’t going to let anyone evict him. It was stupid for Ryan to sleep in the floor with the boys… it doesn’t look good for game purposes. Sheila tells Nat that she still has Matt’s back. Next time I’m on the block, please just come and talk to me. We hear once again about how she’s; 45, older generation, questions her sanity every morning, people talking smack about her, etc. Basically how horrible it is for her. She thinks James is in the DR talking crazy nuts about her.
Sheila encourages Natalie not to lean on Matt anymore and to lean on the girls in the house. She tells her that she can come to her with anything, she is there for her. Nat says, “They are trying to break us apart!” Sheila agrees. Sheila says this is a new season and you need to stop thinking you know everything that is going to happen next. Next week Joshua goes but, here it is; stop thinking about the game 24/7. It’s time to relax a bit. I think you’re a bit psychic but don’t go crazy about it. Enjoy your game here some, it’s NOT all about Matty.
Sheila says “they’re” (James, Sharon, Joshua, Chelsia) are down and out. They will wake up grumpy. Nat says that in the next couple weeks we will hear the siren again. She tells Sheila that she is the only one that listens to her… everyone else dismisses her as soon as she starts to talk.
According to Sheila the final 6 will be J/C, M/N and A/S. Nat asks if she should go and talk to James. Sheila says absolutely not, it will only piss him off… let Matty do it.
Sheila asks Natalie about the prank to lock her in the boat room. Natalie tells her it was mostly Ryan and Joshua’s idea (lie, it was Natalie’s.)
Sheila tells Natalie that Matt is campaigning and Ryan isn’t… that isn’t very smart, she says. She advises Natalie that let Matty and James work it out and that she should stay out of it. Sheila is going to tell Adam that she’s going to vote to keep Matty here and we’ll see what happens. Natalie says that if James and Chelsia save Matt then there is not reason to go after them anymore. Sheila says that Josh is a big trouble maker and he HAS to go. Everyone knows it. Natalie calls Josh “Lucifer!” Sheila says he’s a sheep in wolf’s clothing. Sheila: He's a trouble maker and has to go. Everybody knows it. Everybody knows it.
11:40 pm BBT: Nat, Matt, Chelsia, and Ryan by the hot tub talking about some of their disgusting drinking binges.
12:40 am BBT: Adam masturbates.
12:45 am BBT: Chelsia and Natalie tell the hot tub group that sex is something special and you should care about the guy. Chelsia has only has only had sex one time when she knew it was going to lead anywhere and it was with a guy she knew for a very long time and afterwards it just didn't feel right and she hasn't done it since. The rest of the guys she's had sex with she cared about intimately. Nat says she's had 3 boyfriends and 1 one-night stand.
12:50 am BBT: Matt tells Natalie that if he stays this week he's going to give her a 1-hour message.
1 am BBT: James came down from the HoH room and gets something to eat with the rest of the gang (that is still up) then he goes back to bed.
1:25 am BBT: Chelsia calls it a night. Ryan, Matt and Nat are the only 3 still awake.